Page 251 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 251

IPS236 Eva L.
               The fact that the tasks of national statistical societies differ from those of
            the  official  statistical  services  arises from  the  more  diverse composition  of
            national statistical societies. Beyond the institutions of the official statistical
            service, the actors of the academic sphere, the university campuses dealing
            with statistics, enterprises using statistics for their operation participate also in
            the  work  of  national  statistical  societies.  What  is  important  is  that  in  the
            national statistical societies we also find users in the broad sense of the term,
            citizens,  public  opinion  interested  in  statistics.  Due  to  the  composition  of
            national  statistical  societies,  the  international  relations  of  the  national
            statistical societies are also more varied, which could be the source of many
            advantages. What is also important: they have greater „freedom” in freedom
            of expression.

            2.2.3. International relations in statistics
               The  birth  of  statistics  was  followed  by  the  emergence  of  international
            statistical  organisations.  We  have  to  mention  among  the  firsts  the
            International  Statistical  Institute  (ISI),  which  was  founded  in  1885  after
            several years of preparation.
               One of the most important fora of official statistics is the UN Statistical
            Commission established in 1947, which is basically a body of official statistics,
            but has begun in the past years to deal more and more frequently with the
            issues  of  the  cooperation  between  official  statistics  and  national  statistical
            societies as well.
               As  European  citizen,  I  would  mention  the  federation  created  by  the
            European national statistical societies, the Federation of European National
            Statistical Societies (FENStatS). FENStatS was established in 2011, currently
            having  24  members  (the  Hungarian  Statistical  Association  joined  the
            Federation  in  2013).  The  aim  of  the  FENStatS  is  to  promote  mutual
            communication,  co-operation  and  statistical  research  in  Europe  and  to
            develop, relations of statistics to society, relations to European institutes, and
            particularly has the scope to support the diffusion of statistical education in
               In  Europe  we  can  find  significant  number  of  cooperation  activities
            established  on  the  basis  of  other  motivations.  Such  a  cooperation  is  –  for
            example  –  the  joint  action  of  the  German-speaking  European  national
            statistical societies, or the cooperation of the national statistical societies in
            the Central European region (Visegrád national statistical societies - V7). The
            V7  was  established  in  2005  in  Budapest  by  the  Hungarian  Statistical
            Association. The members of the V7 cooperation are the national statistical
            societies of Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
            and  Poland  (it  should  not  be  mixed  up  with  the  V4  political  formation
            established in the 2010s by Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland).

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