Page 252 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 252

IPS236 Eva L.
                  The V7 statistical cooperation established in 2005 is a professional forum. The
                  aim  of  the  V7  is  to  facilitate  scientific  progress  and  theoretical,  practical
                  development  of  statistics  in  the  region.  Provide  a  regional  forum  for  the
                  discussion of statistical issues and take up a position in professional matters.
                  Maintain contact with the national statistical societies in the region as well as
                  offer support to nascent statistical societies in the region and contribute to
                  the elaboration of the Codes of professional statistical ethics in the region.
                     The  statistical  associations  mentioned  above  represent  different
                  „geographical  levels”  of  cooperation,  they  constitute  in  a  certain  sense
                  regional  cooperation.  I am  convinced  that  each  of  the cooperation  has  its
                  mission and tasks, in the majority of the cases they are facing quite similar
                  specificities, same problems and motivations.

                  2.3.  The feature of changes
                     The significant changes that have taken place in the past years concern the
                  whole  statistical  process,  they  influence  the  aims,  tasks,  methodology  of
                  statistics, but they change the functioning of the statistical actors as well.
                     Let  us  think  about  the  need  of  standardising,  harmonising  statistical
                  concepts, definitions, and the global treatment of statistical systems.
                     The „wealth of information, data” caused by information explosion urges
                  statisticians to replace “traditional data collections” by new data sources (Big
                  Data, AI, remote sensing data, etc.). While new data sources allow to produce
                  statistical  data,  information  more  quickly  and  in  a  cheaper  way,  the  new
                  procedures decrease respondent burden as  well. Despite their advantages,
                  methodological challenges are much greater than previously. The focus on the
                  methodology of data collections is shifted towards the use of mathematical
                  statistical methods, modelling. Nowadays statistical work requires a greater
                  integration of mathematics and other sciences.
                     Similar considerations apply to the processing of statistical data as well.
                  Due  to  the  explosive  development  of  IT,  innumerable  IT  tools  are  at  the
                  disposal  of  statisticians.  Nowadays  IT  developments  allow  „tailor-made”
                  solutions  for  statistics,  statistical  data  processing  can  be  governed  by
                  statisticians.  In  Hungary  a  good  example  is  EAR  (Unified  Data  Processing
                  System)  developed  by  the  Hungarian  Statistical  Office.  EAR  speeds  up
                  statistical  data  processing,  improves  data  quality,  it  secures  a  better
                  documented  validation  of  data  processing,  and  allows  even  automatic
                  reprocessing of the statistical data. What is important is that statistical data
                  processing belongs to the competence of statisticians, it integrates statistical
                  and IT work for statisticians.
                     The  elaboration,  introduction  of  new  methodologies,  the  use  of  new  IT
                  tools require the reconsideration of statistical knowledge too. Not to speak

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