Page 255 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 255

IPS236 Eva L.
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                The tasks ahead of national statistical societies, international organisations
            are the followings.
                At national level I consider that the national statistical societies should
            play a key role
                  in developing the vision for national statistics renewed under the
                    influence of globalisation and the digital era, and in the application of
                    it, they should ensure forum for the discussions,
                  play  a  key  role  in  integration,  harmonisation  of  up-to-date
                    statistics  emerging  in  different  fields,  in  strengthening  of  the
                    communication between actors,
                  national statistical societies must play a key role in getting acquainted
                    with and disseminating good practices used in statistics,
                  should play an outstanding role in the development of statistical
                    culture and operating culture, in the development of new tools, the
                    adaptation of good practices,
                  They must exploiting the advantages of the digital world, enhance the
                    communication between statisticians and users making the operation
                    even more effective.
                  The Hungarian Statistical Association broadly agrees with the concept,
                    vision, paradigm shift, as formulated at the NTTS 2019 conference
                    held in Brussels in March 2019.
                At  international  level  I  guess  the  international  statistical  institutes,
            federations should be more open than before, the information flow should
            become  quicker  and  more  effective.  The  international  organisations,
            federations – as the highest level of hierarchy – should give stronger support
            to the national societies, especially  in the case of sensitive, difficult issues,

            1.  Magyar Statisztikai Társaság (Hungarian Statistical Association). (2016).
                 Fényes Elektől az Európai Statisztikai Rendszerekig (From Elek Fényes to
                 the European Statistical Systems). Budapest: Xerox Kiadó.
            2.  Laczka, É. (2015). Hazai statisztikánk a nemzetközi térben (National
                 statistics in the international space). Statisztikai Szemle (Statistical
                 Review), 90(11-12), 1052-1058.
            3.  Eurostat, European Statistics Code of Practice (2018), Luxembourg:
                 Publication Office of the         European Union

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