Page 254 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 254

IPS236 Eva L.
                     A certain level of statistical knowledge (statistical culture) is needed in the
                  case of all three groups of users. It is well-known that – in the majority of the
                  cases  – „tourists”  have  the  poorest  statistical  knowledge,  culture  while  the
                  knowledge of the „miners” is – in most of cases – adequate. The improvement
                  of statistical knowledge, culture is an important issue for all three groups, but
                  requires very different tools. While in the case of „miners” and „farmers” tailor-
                  made courses, trainings can lead to good results, other tools (actions) should
                  be designed, used for „tourists” and for public opinion.

                  3.  Results

                  Some examples
                     For a few years ago, the Hungarian Statistical Association has been sending
                  quarterly  electronic  Newsletter  to  all  the  members  of  the  Statistical
                  Association  –  while  the  news  are  available  on  its  homepage,  some  of  the
                  presentations are available on You Tube too.
                     The Hungarian Statistical Association has experienced – in the past 5 years
                  – that one of the most efficient tools to shape public opinion is to organise
                  statistical days in an open-air museum (Szentendre). During the two days
                  programmes  about  2500  visitors  of  the  open-air  museum  attended  the
                  statistical programmes (filled quizzes, participated in different games, learned
                  about statistics, data, about use of data a lot).
                     The  Board  of  Ethics  of  the  Hungarian  Statistical  Association  has  also
                  established a new tool to enhance statistical culture; namely, they analyse the
                  statistical language published in the written and electronic media. The
                  purpose  of  the  analysis  is  to  evaluate  the  anomalies  in  the  use  of
                  statistical/economic  specialized  terminology,  including  the  bad  usage  of
                  words  due  to  lack  of  knowledge,  but  also  the  intentional  „misuse”
                  (manipulation of data).
                     The  primary  task  of  the  Board  of  Ethics  of  the  Hungarian  Statistical
                  Association is of course to elaborate the code of ethics for statistics, and to
                  monitor ethical conduct and practice. The compilation of the Code of Ethics
                  of the Hungarian Statistical Association was initiated by the Association on the
                  basis of the request of the Statistical Committee of the Hungarian Academy of
                  Sciences.  The  Code  was  adopted  in  2006  by  the  General  Assembly  of  the
                  Association. Although the elaboration of the Code of ethics itself was already
                  a huge task and challenge, the real difficulty for the Board arose during the
                  application of the Code of ethics.  The assessment of the issues, complaints
                  referred to the Board was not followed by an objective, transparent discussion
                  on the given case, the criticism had serious negative consequences that could
                  not yet be overcome. This shows that there are still measures to be taken in
                  the field of statistical culture.

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