Page 253 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 253

IPS236 Eva L.
            about the fact that statistical thinking is nowadays needed in all sciences, it
            is an indispensable element of the operating culture.
               It  is  of  course  obvious  that  statistical  knowledge,  culture  have  different
            challenges for the „producers” of statistics and for users of statistics in broader
            terms too.

            2.4.  Reputation of statistics, statistical culture
               The credibility of statistical data has been questioned nearly since the birth
            of  statistics.  There  is  no  other  science,  profession  surrounded  by  so  many
            jokes, anecdotes, and frequently even serious criticism. What is the reason of
            the constantly present lack of trust?
               I am convinced that among the reasons we should basically highlight two
            considerations; on the one hand the presentation of data are often linked to
            interests, but it is also frequent that users do not possess the necessary
            statistical knowledge. Users of statistical data – often – use statistical data,
            information according to their interests and they manipulate the data.
               There are numerous examples which show that users of statistical data
            are not aware of (or do not take into consideration) the exact meaning of
            the data, definitions, the relations between the pieces of information (they
            do not know the metadata). It is frequent that users are not aware of the
            data  sources  and  the  way  data  are  produced,  they  do  not  know  for  what
            purpose and how data can be used.
               The  question  arises  how  nowadays  practising  statisticians  and  statistics
            teachers are able to cope with the stereotypes, how they can convince users,
            public opinion that statistics can be credible as well. This requires of course a
            thorough statistical knowledge and enhance of statistical culture.

            2.5.  The grouping of users and their statistical culture
               There are of course many examples for the grouping of users. The most
            frequent solution is to classify users into groups according to the institution
            they  belong  to.  I  guess,  when  we  are  dealing  with  the  statistical  culture
            (statistical knowledge)  of users better results can be reached if we classify
            users according to the way they use data.

               I personally prefer the grouping I heard years ago from Danish statisticians.
            The  colleagues  from  Denmark  had  defined  three  user  groups:  „tourists”,
            „farmers” and „miners”.
               „Tourists” are the users who do not use statistical data on a regular basis,
            in certain cases they may be interested in one data, indicator, and they try to
            find it via internet. „Farmers” are the users who use data for their operation on
            a  regular  basis.  Finally,  „miners”  are  the  users  who  analyse  deeply  a  given
            subject, or some specific field of statistics regularly.

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