Page 28 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 28

IPS178 Kuniko M.
                                    [Table 2] Recent improvements of BOJ Statistics
                   Monthly/year             Statistics               Revisions made
                                            Balance of Payments
                   Mar, 2014                                         Adoption of BPM6
                                            Services Producer Price   Base year revision (from
                   Jun, 2014
                                            Index (SPPI)             2005 to 2010)
                                            Flow of Funds Accounts
                   Mar, 2016                                         Adoption of 2008SNA
                                            Corporate Goods Price    Base year revision (from
                   Feb, 2017
                                            Index (CGPI)             2010 to 2015)
                                                                     Periodic revision of
                                                                     sample enterprises and
                   Mar, 2014, Mar, 2015,    Tankan (Short-Term       examination of sampling
                   Mar, 2017, Mar, 2018,    Economic Survey of       errors. Revisions of
                   and around 2020          Enterprises in Japan)    survey items, sample
                                                                     design method, etc. See
                                                                     further detail in 2-2-2.
                                            Services Producer Price   Base year revision (from
                   Jun, 2019
                                            Index (SPPI)             2010 to 2015)

                  2-2-1. Services Producer Price Index (SPPI)
                     The  Services  Producer  Price  Index  (SPPI)  is  a  price  index,  based  on  a
                  statistical survey which measures movements in the prices of service products
                  traded  in  the  corporate  sector.  The  survey  is  conducted  by  the  Bank  in
                  accordance with the Statistics Act. The purpose of the index is to facilitate a
                  better understanding of supply and demand conditions for individual service
                  products, as well as to provide materials for assessing the state of the economy
                  and making decisions on monetary policy. The SPPI is also used as a deflator
                  in calculating real values — i.e., in removing price fluctuations from nominal
                  value — such as in the estimate of the System of National Accounts (SNA,
                  hereafter referred to as GDP statistics) compiled by the Cabinet Office, and
                  cited as a reference for price-setting activities.
                     The calendar year 2015 is used as the base year for both the index and
                  weight calculation of the current SPPI. The base year is updated every five
                  years to ensure the SPPI remains appropriate and accurate, and to improve its
                  quality as much as possible. The Bank updated its base year from 2010 to 2015
                  in June 2019. In the rebasing process, the Bank first published the Basic Policy
                  (available in Japanese only) in May 2018, and asked for feedback. After taking
                  into account the wide range of opinions and proposals received, the Bank
                  published the Final Draft (available in Japanese only) in March 2019. The Bank
                  listed three points as priority themes for the SPPI revision to the 2015 base: (1)
                  response to changes in economic and industrial structures; (2) initiatives to
                  improve  the  accuracy  of  indexes;  and  (3)  response  to  the  government’s
                  statistics reform and the needs of deflators.

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