Page 30 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 30

IPS178 Kuniko M.
                  relatively  plausible,  and  it  does  not  require  the  additional  burden  of
                  constructing new statistics, many countries have adopted this methodology.
                  However, this method does not take quality of wholesale services into account
                  (United Nations [2010]). The Bank intends to construct the WSPI as a quality-
                  adjusted price index of wholesale services by surveying prices from companies,
                  as is done in the U.S. and Canada. This has satisfied a call of “Basic Policy for
                  the  Fundamental  Reform  of  Economic  Statistics”  (hereafter  referred  to  as
                  Statistics Reform) of December 2016 from the Council on Economic and Fiscal
                  Policy, which suggested that the Bank should start surveying the prices of
                  wholesale services so as to improve the accuracy of the GDP statistics.

                  2-2-2. The Tankan
                     The Tankan is a statistical survey conducted by the Bank in accordance with
                  the Statistics Act. The Tankan aims to provide an accurate picture of business
                  trends  for  enterprises  in  Japan,  thereby  contributing  to  the  appropriate
                  implementation  of  monetary  policy.  The  survey  is  conducted  quarterly,  in
                  March,  June,  September,  and  December.  In  principle,  survey  results  are
                  released at the beginning of April, July, October, and mid-December.
                     In order to capture the actual economic conditions accurately and respond
                  to rapidly changing financial and economic structures, the Bank takes great
                  care to ensure the appropriateness of Tankan survey items. In addition, the
                  Bank makes efforts on an ongoing basis to enhance the methodologies used
                  in  the  compilation  of  the  Tankan.  Non-sampling  errors  are  also  checked
                  through a number of measures.
                     In terms of conducting the Tankan survey, the Bank aims to improve user
                  convenience as well as to reduce the burden on survey respondents to the
                  greatest extent possible. While the Bank has added some necessary survey
                  items, it has also removed items that draw relatively less attention from users
                  and overlap with other sets of statistics, as in Table 3.
                                           [Table 3] Changes to survey items

                    Month/year             Additional items               Removed items
                                                                     Material Costs, Personnel
                                                                     Expenses, Depreciation
                                 Inflation Outlook (Outlook Prices,
                   Mar, 2014                                         Expenses, Financial
                                 General Prices)
                                                                     income, Financial
                                                                     Expenses, etc.
                   Mar, 2017     R&D Investment                      -
                                                                     Operating Profits, Fixed
                                 Exchange Rates (Yen/Euro), Overseas   Investment, Land
                   Around 2020   Business Activities (Overseas Sales,   Purchasing Expenses*
                                 Overseas Fixed Investment)
                                                                     Software Investment*
                  Note: Asterisk (*) indicates a change of survey term from semi-annual to annual basis to obtain
                            fiscal-year figures.

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