Page 32 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 32

IPS178 Kuniko M.
                  3-1. The Bank’s contribution to the improvement of statistics from a user
                  perspective and a synergy between statistics compilers and users
                      The Research and Statistics Department at the Bank has an advantage in
                  giving  feedback  between  statistics  compilers  and  users  in  that  its
                  organizational  structure  is  comprised  of  research  divisions  and  statistics
                  compilation  divisions.  Within  the  department, from  a  user  perspective,  the
                  research divisions can voluntarily request the improvement of the quality of
                  official statistics  compiled by the statistics divisions, such as financial statistics,
                  price  indexes,  and  the  Tankan.  The  statistics  divisions  then  also  take  into
                  account  feedback  from  research  divisions,  in  addition  to  those  received
                  through the public consultation process, as mentioned in the section 2. After
                  a  request  is  incorporated  into  the  statistics,  economists  at  the  research
                  divisions can make use of the improved statistics, ensuring the accuracy of
                  their  analysis  in  order  to  make  appropriate  judgements  on  economic
                  conditions. This internal feedback loop between the research and statistics
                  divisions can produce synergy effects within the RSD.
                      For example, in the case of Tankan, a proposal was made from the RSD’s
                  research division to introduce survey items for inflation outlook. The RSD’s
                  statistics division included the proposal in the basic policy for the revision of
                  Tankan. Through a consultation process, the statistics division then decided
                  on the introduction of new survey items for the inflation outlook from the
                  March  2014  survey.  Since  the  new  inflation  outlook  survey  items  were
                  incorporated into the Tankan, economists at the Bank have frequently used
                  the survey for their analysis examining firms’ inflation expectations. In this way,
                  the synergy effect produced between the analytical and statistics compilation
                  divisions  through  user  feedback  for  the  improvement  of  statistics  is
                  incorporated and this facilitates a new type of analysis.

                  3-2.  Other  examples  of  the  synergy  between  statistics  users  and
                  compilers  —  development  of  economic  indicators  by  the  research
                  divisions at the Bank
                      In  assessing  economic  developments,  the  Economic  Research  Division
                  (ERD) regularly compiles several indicators, such as the Consumption Activity
                  Index (CAI), and the Real Exports and Imports (REI). The CAI is a comprehensive
                  index which captures private consumption movements as an analytical tool;
                  the REI is an economic indicator compiled in line with exports and imports in
                  the real GDP to measure the real value of export/import goods. The CAI and

                  1  “Official statistics” are defined by the Statistics Act as the statistics compiled by the
                  administrative organs, including the Bank of Japan.
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