Page 33 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 33

IPS178 Kuniko M.
            the  REI  are  not  official  statistics  but  economic  indicators  for  conjunctural
            assessment,  of  which  compilation  method  and  data  sources  are  changed
            flexibly for quality improvements on an ongoing basis.
                Development of these indicators provides another example of the synergy
            effects of internal feedback between the research and statistics divisions at the
            RSD. Both economic indicators use the Corporate Goods Price Index (CGPI)
            extensively, which is produced by the Price Statistics Division (PSD) in the RSD,
            as deflators. In the course of developing these indicators, economists at the
            ERD  asked  extensively  about  details  of  CGPI,  for  example,  regarding  its
            definition, calculation method, and items surveyed, so that the CGPI could be
            used  properly  in  the  CAI  and  the  REI.  Such close  communication  between
            statistics compiler and user improved the economic indicators compiled by
            the  research  divisions.  At  the  same  time,  statisticians  at  the  PSD  better
            recognized user needs and detected clues for the improvement in quality of
            the statistics they compile.

            3-3. Contribution to the government’s statistics reform
                 In December 2016, the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy decided on
            the Statistics Reform, which was then endorsed in May 2017 by the Statistics
            Reform Promotion Council, where the Governor of the Bank is a member and
            contributes to its discussions. The Statistics Reform has been created with the
            aim of building EBPM (Evidence-based policy making), improving economic
            statistics to enhance GDP statistics, and addressing other issues faced by the
            statistical system of Japan.
                In  response  to  the  Statistics  Reform,  the  “Master  Plan  Concerning  the
            Development of Official Statistics” (hereafter referred to as the Master Plan),
            which is currently in its third version, starting in April 2018 and lasting until
            March 2024, has been updated. The Master Plan was firstly created in March
            2009  based  on  the  Statistics  Act  in  order  to  promote  comprehensive  and
            systematic measures for the development of official statistics. The third Master
            Plan covers issues relating to important official statistics, such as GDP statistics,
            Consumer  Price  Index  (CPI),  and  the  Business  Register.  The  Statistics
            Commission,  comprised  of  statistics  academics  and  statistics  users,  and
            established  in  the  Ministry  of  Internal  Affairs  and  Communications  in
            accordance with the Statistics Act, is tasked with the deliberation of technical
            detail  and  the  implementation  of  the  Master  Plan.  In  addition,  as  in  the
            Statistics Reform, the Statistics Commission has had its function strengthened
            from the perspective of improving autonomy, mobility, expertise, impartiality,
            and  neutrality  (e.g.,  develop  function  of  proposals,  recommendations  and
            follow-up). The Director-General of the Research and Statistics Department of
            the  Bank  regularly  participates  in  the  Statistics  Commission  in  a  personal

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