Page 31 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 31

IPS178 Kuniko M.
                When the Bank considers changing survey items, it first provides users with
            the revision plans in advance and collects opinions and comments through a
            public consultation process. After taking into account these user comments,
            the Bank modifies its revision plan where necessary to ensure that any revision
            of  the  Tankan  is  appropriate.  For  example,  in  order  to  receive  feedback
            regarding its revision plan, the Bank published the Basic Policy (available only
            in Japanese) in June 2016, which included the prospective expansion of the
            survey item “Software, R&D, and fixed investment excluding land purchasing
            expenses”  to  cover  “R&D  investment.”  Through  this  public  consultation
            process, however, the Bank recognized that users called for the introduction
            of an independent item, “R&D investment” and the continued publication of
            the previous item “Software and fixed investment excluding land purchasing
            expenses”, as it was.

                [Table 4] Changes to survey items relating to the introduction of R&D
                                       Originally proposed item
                   Previous Item                                     Revised items
                                      Software, R&D and fixed   Software, R&D and fixed
                        -             investment excluding     investment excluding
                                      land purchasing expenses  land purchasing expenses
             Software and fixed                                Software and fixed
             investment excluding                 -            investment excluding
             land purchasing expenses                          land purchasing expenses
                        -                        -             R&D investment

                 The Bank, therefore, published the final draft of the revision in December
            2016, and explained its decisions regarding the survey items: (1) the expansion
            of  the  survey  item  “Software,  R&D,  and  fixed  investment  excluding  land
            purchasing expenses” as originally proposed; (2) the introduction of a new
            item, “R&D investment”; and (3) the ongoing publication of the previous item
            “Software and fixed investment excluding land purchasing expenses.”

            3.  The Bank’s contribution to the improvement of statistics from a user
                This section explains the Bank’s contribution to improvements in statistics
            from a user perspective. A synergy between statistics compilers and users is
            touched upon, using the example of the revision of Tankan. Other examples
            of the synergy between statistics compilers and users at the Research and
            Statistics  Department  (RSD)  —  in  developing  economic  indicators  as  an
            analytical tool, which can be used to measure economic activity — are also
            explained.  Further,  the  Bank’s  contribution  to  the  government’s  statistics
            reform is presented.

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