Page 308 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 308

IPS249 Terán, Teresita
                  knowledge of every citizen in our society. This is something on which every
                  educational system seems to agree on. Holmes (1980) claims that statistics is
                  a part of the desirable general education provided to future adult citizens, who
                  need to acquire the ability to read and understand statistical charts and graphs
                  that appear most of the times on media. In order to be able to move around
                  successfully in today’s world, connected by telecommunications and socially,
                  economically  and  politically  interdependent,  it  is  necessary  to  interpret  an
                  extended range of information on the most varied topics.
                     Ottaviani  (1998)  considers  that  the  study  of  statistics  helps  personal
                  development, fostering critical reasoning, based on judgement of objective
                  evidence; students should be able to use quantitative data to understand it
                  and  explain  it  in  context.  A  successful  scientific  background  requires
                  instruction on probabilistic and statistical thinking.
                     These recommendations have motivated the idea of statistics to become
                  part of the syllabus more and more. Statistical reasoning is a major component
                  of  essential  learning,  as  suggested  by  Wild  y  Pfannkuch  (1999)  who  make
                  emphasis on the integration of statistics and context.

                  2.  Development
                     The approach to the introduction of statistical instruction on syllabuses at
                  different levels of education has already been stated; we will now turn the
                  focus  on  Argentina,  showing  the  remarkable  changes  that  have  been
                     Until 1993, at initial and primary level of education no topic of statistics had
                  been  covered.  At  higher  levels  some  topics  on  descriptive  statistics  were
                  covered only as part of math syllabuses at 4th year of education. They were
                  rarely taught by teachers since they had not had statistics on their teacher
                  training  courses.  Only  a  few  schools  that  were  dependent  on  universities,
                  imparted statistics as a curricular subject. On this respect, in 1993 when the
                  Federal Law of Education Nº 24.195 was enacted, contents of statistics and
                  probability started to be taken into consideration to be included as part of the
                  Basic  Common  Contents  for  the  different  levels  and  cycles  of  the  new
                  academic structure.
                     Statistics started to be considered on the different levels contemplated by
                  the Federal Law of Education (1993) as a segment of math syllabuses.
                  The  new  National  Educational  Law  changed  the  structure  of  the  National
                  Educational System. It comprises 4 levels: initial, primary, secondary and higher
                  education.  Each  jurisdiction  embraced  the  general  guidelines  and  made
                  adjustments based on their regional characteristics. From here onwards, we
                  will present and analyze the jurisdictional approach implemented in Santa Fe

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