Page 309 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 309

IPS249 Terán, Teresita
               Initial Education entitles a place of subjectivity and social responsibility, it
            implies a period of time and space that receives and embraces boys and girls
            from three to five years of age included, as a first encounter with the academic
            organization of the Educational System. As a constructor and transmitter of
            culture, Initial Education will allow children, through games, to explore and
            appropriate the world that opens up beyond their affective core and family
            learning; developing personality foundations in a period of conquests with
            such an intensity that it will never be the same. In such environments it is
            expected that children learn through a process of construction of meaning
            and sense of things, persons, nature, reality, life itself. Initial Education fosters
            the development of different languages of expression: expressive, physical,
            communicative, symbolic, playful, cognitive, ethic, affective, metaphoric, logic,
            imaginative, relational, with big respect to whoever the learner is. At this stage,
            we can observe a child who is powerful, energetic, and who has the ability of
            self-construction while they transform the world, with the strength of  who
            grows and wishes to grow, with the wealth of curiosity and surprise that leads
            themr into asking the whys behind everything, at the peak of their senses,
            original, creative, with the desire to learn and live. A child who holds values,
            builds solidarity, and is available to the new and different.
               It is here where statistics play a fundamental role. The big issue is that initial
            education teachers do not count with statistical knowledge to bring to their
            classrooms.  Nowadays,  they  have  started  to  deliver  courses  through  the
            school  teachers’  union  AMSAFE  where  they  instruct  teachers,  and  that
            knowledge is taken to classrooms through games. Children learn by playing.
            In this process, teamwork, communication and feedback improve learning, so
            much so as the formulation of questions where the why is highlighted.
               Primary Education has the aim of providing an integral, basic and common
            instruction. This is compulsory and constitutes a pedagogic and organizational
            unit intended to develop of children from six years of age. Its purpose is to
            provide an integral, basic and common instruction and it aims to guarantee
            every child the access to a set of common knowledge that will allow them to
            participate fully in their family, school and social life. From six years of age
            boys  and  girls  develop  at  school  a  wide  range  of  mental  and  physical
            constructions: they invent, practice, feel, express with their bodies, with words,
            symbols, and art.
               In  this  seven-year  journey,  letters  and  numbers,  texts  and  reflexive
            situations, life in nature, history, listening to other people’s opinions lay down
            the ways each boy and girl chooses for themselves.
               Statistical contents are presented in primary level to be developed in an
            increasing way from first to seventh grade, but here the problem of not having
            enough  teacher  knowledge  is  presented,  even  though  notions  of  statistics
            have  already  been  included  in  their  teacher  training  courses  syllabuses.

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