Page 389 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 389

IPS297 Sophie Limpach et al.
                  breaks in unadjusted, calendar adjusted and/or seasonally adjusted time
                  series as well as revisions covering longer time intervals than usually in
                  the unadjusted data should also trigger the system.
                5. If the restructuring effects on official statistics take place over a longer
                  time, the total size of the effects should be taken into account – not just
                  the effects on single data releases.
                6. The granularity of the data published as European statistics should be
                  taken into account (e.g. the breakdown of the data published according
                  to the NACE Rev. 2 classification).
                7. The  focus  of  the  EWS  should  be  on  the  restructuring  within  MNEs
                  especially since these are more difficult to detect and information on
                  them is more difficult to obtain.
                8. Restructuring between MNEs (e.g. mergers and acquisitions) might also
                  be dealt with in the EWS.
                9. Triggering the EWS by a national EWS correspondent is also possible for
                  cases that come to the correspondent's attention but do not directly
                  affect his/her own country.
               10.  Generally, the EWS network may be consulted whenever national data
                 compilers  are  in  doubt  regarding  the  correct  treatment  of  specific
                 restructuring cases.

            4.  Information to be exchanged in the EWS
                EWS correspondents should trigger the EWS as soon as they learn about
            the restructuring of an MNE with possible sizeable effects on national and
            European  statistics.  National  data  compilers  should  not  wait  until  all  facts
            about  such  cases  are  available.  The  EWS  could  also  be  triggered  by
            information available at European level, for example by Eurostat or the ECB.
                When  triggering  the  EWS,  national  data  compilers  should  attempt  to
            provide the following information:
                 1.  A detailed description of the restructuring case (the description could
                   be drafted in an anonymised, stylized form "Company A opens a new
                   branch in country X ...").
                 2.  The  statistical  domains/indicators affected  (e.g. Short-term  business
                   statistics, Structural business statistics, Balance of Payments, National
                   Accounts, ...).
                 3.  The industries (NACE) affected (if possible for confidentiality reasons)
                 4.  The estimated effects on the data (by statistical domain, if known).
                 5.  Other countries that might be affected (if known).
                 6.  Timing of the restructuring (when it took/ will take place).
                 7.  The level of sensitivity (e.g. is the information based on a newspaper
                   article, has the concerned MNE agreed to the sharing of information,

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