Page 385 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 385

IPS280 Erniel B. Barrios et al.
            over per capita income should be done after obtaining the annual estimate of
            the income per household to ensure that the per capita income decile to which
            sampled household belong to its true income decile.

            Provincial Estimates for Median Income (Bootstrap Sampling)
               In  computing  for  the  annualized  model-assisted  estimates,  both  the
            estimate  and  the  variance  are  needed.  Using  the  conventional  method  of
            obtaining  the  median  estimate,  generation  of  annualized  model-assisted
            estimate for the median is not possible since generation of the variance of
            median is computationally intensive. As a solution, bootstrap resampling was
            done. Bootstrap resampling allows the computation of the standard error and
            the coefficient of variation for the estimates of the median. It also minimizes
            the bias and improves the reliability of estimates (Mooney and Duval, 1993)
            for the estimates over per capita income decile. Aside from computing the
            bootstrap  estimates  for  the  median,  the  bootstrap  estimates  for  the
            annualized overall income and expenditure and design-based mean income
            over per capita income decile were also obtained. The purpose of obtaining
            the estimates for the overall income and expenditure is to verify robustness of
            the bootstrap estimation procedure. The expected value for the overall income
            and expenditure is that its annualized bootstrap estimates were close to the
            original annualized model-assisted estimates.

            4. Concluding notes
               Aggregated model-assisted annualized estimates for provinces in partially
            rotated  samples  coincide  with  design-unbiased  estimates  at  the  domains
            (regions). The CVs at the national and regional level for the overall income and
            expenditure as well as CVs at the national and regional level for income and
            expenditure over income class were all less than 10%. Moreover, provincial
            estimates  by  different  disaggregation  groups  also  yield  reliable  estimates.
            From simulation studies, increasing the percentage of matched samples does
            not necessarily affect improve efficiency of the estimates, but CV decreases
            with increasing matched sample size. Meanwhile for the estimate per capita
            income  decile,  it  is  recommended  that  the  sample  be  selected  with
            stratification per income class or income decile. On the estimation of median
            family  income  by  per  capita  income  decile,  bootstrap  method  is
            recommended. It is proposed to use the rotated sample to produce reliable
            provincial estimates while retaining the sample size of the Family Income and
            Expenditure Survey.

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