Page 425 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 425

IPS307 Tjeerd Jellema et al.
            countries that have concentrations of SPEs they may dominate the balance of
            payments financial account and the international investment position.
                The paper is structured as follows. In a first section the paper reviews the
            characteristics  of  SPEs  as  captured  by  the  IMF  BOPCOM  definition,  and
            touches on the different types of entities that can be observed. The paper then
            explores the European dimension as regards SPEs, and explores some of the
            characteristics of the countries that are favourable to the establishment of
            SPEs  and  SPE  like  entities.  Subsequently  the  paper  then  addresses  the
            relevance of SPEs for euro area macro-economic statistics, notably the balance
            of payments / IIP, but also the financial accounts. Finally the paper concludes
            and describes the European current data collection effort.

            2.  Elements of the definition
                The  2018  BOPCOM  discussed  and  approved  the  definition  of  SPEs
            proposed by the IMF TF-SPE final report [IMF 2018], reproduced below. We
            briefly review these criteria, and qualify how these criteria should best be used.
            One aspect of the BOPCOM definition that should be mentioned is that it
            targets  external sector  statistics  (ESS)  explicitly, and  thus  that  some  of  the
            criteria provided would be in need to be reviewed in the broader context of
            national accounts. In several aspects the definition breaks new grounds. First,
            in determining what SPEs are in the context of ESS all of the criteria in the
            definition need to be met. Thus the definition is necessarily more restrictive
            than  the  current  looser  formulations  in  BPM6  and  SNA2008  that  allowed
            compilers much more freedom to adjust to local circumstances, causing lack
            of comparability across countries.

             IMF TF-SPE definition:

                An SPE resident in an economy, is a formally registered and/or incorporated
                 legal entity recognized as an institutional unit, with no or little employment
                 up to a maximum of five employees, no or little physical presence, and no
                 or little physical production in the host economy.
                SPEs are directly or indirectly controlled by non-residents.
                SPEs are established to obtain specific advantages provided by the host
                 jurisdiction with an objective to (i) grant its owner(s) access to capital
                 markets or sophisticated financial services; and/or (ii) isolate owner(s) from
                 financial risks; and/or (iii)reduce regulatory and tax burden; and/or
                 (iv)safeguard confidentiality of their transactions and owner(s).
                SPEs transact almost entirely with non-residents and a large part of their
                 financial  balance  sheet  typically  consists  of  cross-border  claims  and

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