Page 467 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 467

IPS320 Wissanee P. et al.
            enterprises  work  in  agriculture  and  47  percent  work  in  non-Agricultural
               In order to assess dependency, three different groups were created based
            on  the  two  tested  boundaries.  i.e.  self-identified  self-employed  persons
            without employees in an unincorporated enterprise who:
               (a)  Do not control the price and obtain the material input from another
            company, agent or contractor or customer;
               (b)  Do control the price and obtain their own material input;
               (c)  Do not control the price-setting but do obtain their own material input.
               Workers in Group a) meet both test conditions for dependent contractor
            and thus have the highest degree of dependency due to both their economic
            and their organizational dependency. It is the smallest group (1.7 per cent of
            self-employed persons without employees in an unincorporated enterprise).
            With just over one third (35 per cent) of the workers in this group work in
            agriculture, it has the lowest share of agriculture workers among the three
            groups The majority of those in this group who work outside agriculture work
            in their own dwelling.
               Workers in Group b) do not meet either condition for dependency; they are
            likely  to  be  independent  self-employed  workers  without  employees  in
            unincorporated enterprises. Workers in this group are expected to show the
            highest degree of independency since they control the price for their goods
            and services and obtain their own material input. It is the largest of the three
            group  (57  per  cent  of  all  self-employed  persons  without  employees  in  an
            unincorporated  enterprise)  and  just  over  half  of  them  work  outside  of
            agriculture. The majority of those outside of agriculture are male and 39 per
            cent work in their own shop or their own dwelling, 25 per cent at a market stall
            or street and 21 per cent in their own enterprise.
               Group c) presents a more challenging case: They procure their own supplies
            or follow their own instructions, but they report not controlling price. They
            therefore  have  a  degree  of  economic  dependency  but  a  lower  degree  of
            organizational dependency compared to group (a). Some 15 per cent of all
            self-employed persons without employees in an unincorporated enterprise are
            in group (c). Virtually all work in Agriculture (95%). The 5 per cent who work
            outside agriculture share characteristics with group (a). The majority of this
            non-agriculture subgroup work in their own dwelling and an additional 14 per
            cent have “no fixed” workplace. The ambiguous situation of workers in this
            group and the high share of agriculture workers point to the usefulness of
            adding additional boundaries/questions that would assist in interpreting the
            questions on price control.
               Groups (a), (b) and (c) account for 73.3 per cent of the self-identified self-
            employed persons without employees in an unincorporated enterprise. The

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