Page 51 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 51

IPS178 Stephan Müller
            of both sides. On the one hand, economists need data and ask statisticians to
            review the use of the data in the text. On the other hand, statisticians actively
            approach economists when they see potential difficulties in using the data. In
            this  context,  both  sides  look  at  the  data  from  a  different  perspective.
            Economists are more likely to examine the macroeconomic situation from a
            macro perspective. By contrast, statisticians look more closely at the individual
            data and their potential impact on economic development.
                 When  considering  communication  processes  in  the  context  of  the
            Monthly Report, as described above, it is always important to note that the
            overall  goal  is  to  provide  the  reader  with  the  most  accurate  information
            possible.  This  means  that  the  reader’s  interest  in  economic  developments
            must be at the focus. As a result, the text of the Monthly Report may need to
            be adjusted to avoid statistical difficulties and to provide a clearer picture of
            the  situation  that  can  better  convey  the  intended  messages.  Close  and
            personal  cooperation  at  both  the  operational  and  managerial  levels  that
            emphasises  the  advisory  nature  of  the  role  of  statisticians  thus  helps  to
            significantly improve the Monthly Report, which is one of the Bundesbank’s
            key publications.

            b)  Work on conceptual issues
                 The implementation of temporary and interdisciplinary working groups
            provides  a  suitable  framework  for  joint  and  cross-domain  cooperation.  In
            particular, more detailed analysis of conceptual issues is possible in this way.
            Communication between different working group members, who come from
            different subject areas, therefore takes place in a fairly organised way, but also
            regularly and directly between the different experts. A good example in this
            regard is the temporary working group of DG Economics and DG Statistics
            that was set up in early 2015 to investigate the effects of the relocation/re-
            establishment of national business units of multinational enterprises (MNEs)
            on national and international economic statistics, the possible problems in the
            collection of statistical data, and conceivable practical solutions. As part of the
            working group, about ten experts from DG Economics and DG Statistics have
            worked closely together on developing proposals for possible approaches on
            how  to  enhance  the  composition  of  GDP  with  regard  to  the  effects  of
            globalisation from the user’s point of view.
                 The interdisciplinary cooperation and resulting communication promote
            a fundamental understanding of statistical concepts and practice among the
            users.  For  example,  a  better  understanding  of  the  economic  ownership
            principle can be acquired. Conversely, this kind of communication can give
            statisticians  an  understanding  of  the  users’  basic  needs.  This  entails
            familiarising statisticians with the possible economic uses of their statistical
            data.  This  could,  for  example,  involve  the  use  of  GDP  data  for  estimating

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