Page 52 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 52

IPS178 Stephan Müller
                  potential  growth  and  determining  the  output  gap.  In  this  way,  the  user
                  requirements can be introduced to the relevant expert committees in order to
                  further develop the respective statistics. In the case of the aforementioned
                  working group on MNEs, the results were presented to the CMFB (Kirchner
                  2018). This offered an excellent opportunity to bring the user requirements
                  that were discovered to a high-level committee. The relevant question with
                  regard to meeting the users’ needs was: “What should data tell us?” The open
                  communication in the working group led to the corresponding answers: use
                  and utilisation of domestic productive factors, changes in production capacity,
                  imbalance in b.o.p. or unit labour costs, interdependencies between countries,
                  and analysis of spillovers. The joint cooperation in such a working group also
                  highlights the limitations of statistics. As the final results of the working group
                  were published in a contribution to the Bundesbank’s Monthly Report, the
                  public was also informed about the potential, but also possible restrictions, of
                  statistical work (Deutsche Bundesbank 2018).
                      DG  Payments  and  Settlement  Systems  set  up  an  internal  exchange  of
                  ideas on the current developments in the areas of fintech and crypto assets.
                  This  format  can  be  considered  a  kind  of  informal  expert  group  with
                  participants  from  DG  Payments  and  Settlement  Systems,  DG  Banking  and
                  Financial Supervision, DG Financial Stability, DG Markets, and DG Statistics. It
                  is therefore not a working group in the true sense, but still provides a suitable
                  framework  for  conceptual  work  on  fintech-related  issues.  Here,  too,
                  interdisciplinary  communication  is  key  to  success.  In  particular,  the  forum
                  facilitates cooperation at the operational level. Each member of the  group
                  keeps all experts informed about current proceedings in their department. This
                  allows  each  participant  to  gain  an  overview  of  new  insights  in  order  to
                  disseminate them throughout the different areas of the bank that deal with
                  fintech-related topics. The group also has a “living document”, in which all new
                  insights and current developments are registered. Thus, there is always an up-
                  to-date document for tracking the latest findings. Statisticians can  use the
                  exchange of information to find out what is expected from them. At the same
                  time, users can be informed about the range of statistical products. Since such
                  platforms  also  ensure  that  statisticians  and  users  become  acquainted  with
                  each other, they also learn what their colleagues are currently working on. This
                  therefore also helps to avoid duplication of work and can be understood as
                  being linked to the statistical principle of collecting data only once.

                  c)  Institutionalised forms of communication
                      Communication  between  the  compilers  and  users  of  statistical
                  information  also  works  beyond  direct  face-to-face  communication  and
                  personal  contact.  Of  course,  personal  contact  should  be  preferred  where
                  possible, as it offers the highest potential for improving statistics and analytics,

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