Page 55 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 55

IPS179 Wian B.

                                Salary EFT indexation: Preliminary
                                  methodological considerations
                                          Wian Boonzaaier
                                  South African Reserve Bank, South Africa

            Alternative or non-traditional data sources are increasingly being explored to
            supplement  or  validate  survey  based  statistics.  This  area  of  research  is
            especially relevant in the context of monetary policy in South Africa, where
            estimates  for  wage  growth  derived  from  survey  based  publications  have
            produced conflicting outcomes over the short- to medium term, even when
            controlling  for  methodological  differences.  This  has  implications  for  the
            inflation  forecast  and  interest  rate  decisions.  This  paper  builds  the
            methodological  foundations  needed  to  construct  an  annually  chain-linked
            monthly  salary  index  based  on  daily  interbank  electronic  funds  transfers
            derived from an automated clearing house of interbank retail payments in the
            payment  system  of  South  Africa.  Ultimately,  the  index  could  be  used  to
            supplement survey based measures of wage growth, and more broadly to
            validate existing monetary and financial statistics.

            Electronic  funds  transfer;  national  payment  system;  remuneration;  bilateral
            price index

            1.  Introduction
                The  Economic  Statistics  Division  (ESD),  situated  within  the  Economic
            Research and Statistics Department (ERSD) of the South African Reserve Bank
            (SARB), is responsible for addressing a large portion of the recommendations
            put forward via the Group of Twenty (G-20) Data Gaps Initiative (DGI), which
            is currently in its second implementation phase. This has led to an increased
            drive to create or uncover new data sources which will assist in complying with
            the  aforementioned  recommendations,  including  validation  of  existing
            statistical production series.
                As  a  result,  the  division  has  engaged  BankservAfrica,  an  automated
            clearing house in the National Payment System (NPS), to explore the potential
            of the data underlying its electronic funds transfer (EFT) service. This project
            gained further impetus based on feedback from a number of Monetary Policy
            Committee (MPC) meetings where the issue was raised that selected indicators
            of wage pressure in the economy produced inconsistent growth outcomes in
            the short- to medium-term. It was therefore requested that alternative sources

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