Page 103 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 103
STS463 Siti Asiah A. et al.
weekly hours worked can be presented in terms of persons employed by
occupation, educational level and nationality of origin (Buhmann et al., 2002).
The identity relationship underlying the Dutch Labour Accounts as shown in
Table 3.
Table 3: Identity relationship of Dutch Labour Account
Employee labour
Jobs Persons employed + Secondary jobs
Annual hours per job Weekly hours per job * Number of weeks –
Holiday leave – Festivity leave
Total hours Jobs * Annual hours per job
Full-time equivalents Total / Annual hours per full-time job
Self-employed labour
Jobs Persons employed + Secondary jobs
Total hours per week Jobs * Weekly hours per job
Full-time equivalent Total hours per week / Weekly hours per full-
time job
Various concepts of hours
Hours paid Contractual hours + Hours overtime
Hours actually worked Hours paid – Hours paid but not worked
Labour cost and labour income
Labour cost Hours actually worked * Labour cost per hour
Employee cost Hour actually worked * Employee cost per
Hour actually worked Jobs * Hours worked per job
Hours paid Jobs * Hours paid per job
Earnings Hours paid * Hourly earnings
Earnings Jobs * Annual earnings
Annual earnings Hours paid per job * Hourly earning
The relation between employed persons and jobs are made between data
from household survey, both persons employed and jobs while establishment
survey for jobs. Annual earnings data are available in Annual Survey on
Employment and Earnings while for wages data are available in social security
files. The number of jobs could be higher than number of employed person
because employed persons can have more than one job at a time.
Switzerland has two different accounts, Labour Market Indicator (LMI) and
Labour Accounts. LMI followed cross-sectional approach while Labour
Accounts followed longitudinal approach. LMI used four different sources of
employment that is Population Census, Swiss Labour Force Survey,
Establishment Survey and Statistics on Jobs (JOBSTA). All four sources use
slightly different definitions of employment and harmonization between these
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