Page 157 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 157

STS474 Yoshihiro Y.

                           On Gaussian semiparametric estimation for
                           two-dimensional intrinsic stationary random
                                          Yoshihiro Yajima
                                     Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

            We propose a Gaussian semiparametric estimator for semiparametric models
            of two-dimensional intrinsic stationary random fields (ISRFs) observed on a
            regular grid and derive its asymptotic properties. Originally this estimator is
            an approximate likelihood estimator in a frequency domain for long memory
            models of stationary and nonstationary time series (Robinson (1995); Velasco
            (1999)). We apply it to two dimensional ISRFs. These ISRFs include a fractional
            Brownian field, which is a Gaussian random field and is used to model many
            physical processes in space. The estimator is consistent and has the limiting
            normal  distribution  as  the  sample  size  goes  to  infinity.  We  conduct  a
            computational  simulation  to  compare  the  performance  of  it  with  those  of
            different estimators.

            spatio-temporal models; local Whittle estimator; fractional Brownian field

            1.  Introduction
                Let  {() ∶    ∈  }  be  a  random  field.  Throughout  this  paper,  we
            specialize  to  the  two-dimensional  random  field,    =  2 .  Whereas  for  the
            moment, for ease of description, we consider a general d-dimensional setting.
            If  {X(s)}  satisfies  that  for  any  fixed (∈   ),  the  increment   () =  ( +
            ) − () is a stationary random field, {()} is called an ISRF. Then {X (s)} is
            characterized by
                                     ((  +  ) −  ()) =  0,
                                 ((  +  ) −  ()) = 2 ();
            where 2 () is the variogram function (see Chilés & Delfiner (2012); Cressie
            (1993)). Hereafter we also assume that () =  0.
                For  and , let (, ) be the inner product and ∥  ∥  be the norm.
                Then if 2 () is a continuous function on   satisfying () = 0, it has the
            spectral representation
                                              2 () = ∫   (2)   () + (),                           (1)
            where  ()(≥ 0)  is  a  quadratic  form  and  ()  is  a  positive,  symmetric
            measure such that ∥  ∥ () is continuous at the origin and

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