Page 164 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 164

STS479 Nebil D. et al.

                               Prioritisation of Sustainable Development Goals
                                 and efforts of SESRIC to support statistical
                                   modernisation in OIC member countries
                                          Nebil Dabur, Atilla Karaman

                  The United Nations General Assembly endorsed the Sustainable Development
                  Goals  (SDGs)  in  September  2015  for  which  all  countries  have  pledged  to
                  achieve  the  17  goals  and  169  targets  by  2030.  Unlike  the  Millennium
                  Development Goals period, the challenges are valid for not only developing
                  but also developed countries in implementing the SDGs which in effect shakes
                  the definition of “developing” and “developed” country. The implementation
                  of  SDGs  will  understandably  be  more  complex  for  economically  and
                  technologically  disadvantaged  countries  of  the  Organisation  of  Islamic
                  Cooperation  (OIC)  that  had  previously  faced  challenges  in  achieving  the
                  MDGs. In this respect, proper prioritisation, planning and careful consideration
                  of the multidimensional interactions among the SDG targets will be critical in
                  the  achievement  of  SDGs.  Tasked  with  following  up  the  SDG  Indicator
                  Framework  and  identifying  the  SDGs  priorities  of  the  OIC  countries,  the
                  Statistical,  Economic  and  Social  Research  and  Training  Centre  for  Islamic
                  Countries  (SESRIC)  designed  and  circulated  the  “Tendency  Survey  on  SDG
                  Priorities of OIC Member Countries”. This paper discusses the results obtained
                  from the aforementioned Survey including the SDG prioritisation, expected
                  SDG achievement levels, limiting factors on SDGs, national commitments to
                  SDGs,  structure  of  agencies  responsible  for  SDGs,  SDG  data  availability,
                  cooperation with international agencies on SDGs, and statistical needs and
                  capacities of OIC member countries on SDGs. This paper also covers the efforts
                  of SESRIC in facilitating (i) the flow of know-how and experience sharing on
                  issues related to official statistics and SDGs through its flagship OIC Statistical
                  Capacity Building Programme (StatCaB) since 2007; and (ii) engaging with the
                  global  statistical  community  to  support  the  endeavours  of  OIC  member
                  countries  in  modernising  their  national  statistical  systems  in  meeting  the
                  requirements of the global SDG monitoring and reporting framework.

                  SESRIC; statistical modernisation; OIC member countries

                  1.  Introduction
                      The twenty-first century is full of contradictions in many aspects. On the
                  one hand, the technologies we developed have facilitated how we live and do

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