Page 49 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 49

STS452 Nobuhiro O.
                 Theoretical and Empirical Analysis,” Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 27
                 (3), pp. 341-356.
            9.  Batey, P. W. J. and M. J. Weeks (1987) “An Extended Input-Output Model
                 Incorporating Employed, Unemployed, and In-Migrant Households,”
                 Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 62 (1), pp. 93–115.
            10.  Batey, P. W. J. and M. J. Weeks (1989) “The Effects of Household
                 Disaggregation in Extended Input-Output Models,” in Frontiers of Input-
                 Output Analysis, edited by Miller, R. E., K. R. Polenske, and A. Z. Rose,
                 New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 119-33.

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