Page 45 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 45

STS452 Nobuhiro O.
            Figure 2 Employment by sector in urban area (left) and rural area (right)

                On the contrary, the primary sector in the rural area is the main source of
            labour supply to urban industries.
                Next,  Table  3  shows  the  outcome  implemented  by  the  model  for
            urbanisation. Each part of the table corresponds with the inverse matrix shown
            in  Table  1  and  2.  The  latest  input-output  data  for  2015  was  used  in
            combination with the labour account of the same year.

            Table 3 Result of the model execution for 2015

            Note: A unit of household consumption is yuan and employment in person.

                First, since the households are incorporated into the model, each cell of
            the multiplier is larger than the conventional Leontief inverse, and the total of
            the column which is seen as the total backward linkage effect indicates 2.560
            for primary, 4.255 for secondary, and 3.307 for tertiary industry respectively.
                Next, the upper-right part of the table shows the output generated by a
            unit increase in consumption induced by demographic change. The increase
            in economically active population will induce the total output in the industry
            to meet their increased consumption. We can see the total induced effects
            which are the sum of the column, 128,180 yuan for urban areas and 57,871
            yuan for rural areas. This shows that urban areas consumption raised by the

            2  The data is provided as the format of so called import-competitive type. Each transaction
            includes imported goods and services. This elimination work will be done in future research.
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