Page 95 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 95
STSS461 Sara F. et al.
mean setting up a fully developed national coordination system with a
nationally developed indicator framework, adapted to the national context. This
framework could also include an elaborate digital data and communication
platform, allowing for automation of global data flows and interactive use of
quality checked data from multiple producers, inside and outside of the national
statistical system.
Statistics Sweden has applied a step by step approach aiming for the more
elaborate coordination and communication but by necessity allowing for
temporary, ad hoc solutions and for allowing the development of the statistical
follow-up to take time.
2.1 National list of indicators and base line report
The first step of our work was to create a national list of indicators for the
follow-up. We decided early on that we needed to do this in broad
consultation with stakeholders, for example, actors in the statistical system,
the potential data producers, and users in the form of government agencies
and civil society organisations. We sought input primarily on identifying
domestic indicators needed to complement the global ones to adapt the
follow-up to a national context.
The final list contains the global indicators and is complemented with 50+
domestic indicators. Statistics Sweden has also produced a baseline report on
how Sweden lives up to the goals and targets of the agenda.
The base line report and list of indicators have received a lot of attention
and we have had several opportunities to present it in different contexts. We
have found that introducing the contents of these documents to various
audiences is a great way to start communicating about the 2030 agenda.
2.2 Material for schools and the general public
The base line report and list of national indicators were intended mainly for
specialised users and the stakeholders involved in the process. However, our
communication must also reach non-experts. Therefore, we have produced
material for schools and the general public. So far, we have made two films and
teaching material to go with them about statistics related to two of the Agenda
goals: quality education for all and responsible consumption and production.
We have also published a number of articles on our web site about national and
international efforts relating to statistics for the global goals.
2.3 Collaboration with the commission for the 2030 Agenda for
sustainable development
The commission for the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development was
established in March 2016 and in March 2019 it delivered its final report. This
national committee was set up to support and stimulate the work on
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