Page 94 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 94

STSS461 Sara F. et al.
                  development  entails  and  what  is  being  done  to  fulfil  the  sustainable
                  development goals. This is necessary to keep engagement high on all levels
                  of Swedish society.
                      At Statistics Sweden, our aim is to create a follow-up that spans many
                  sectors and subject areas, with focus on synergies. We need also to highlight
                  challenges that cannot be solved in a particular sector alone and show where
                  collaboration is necessary.

                  2.  Methodology: Our work so far and plans for next steps
                      The  Swedish  government  has  commissioned  Statistics  Sweden  with
                  coordinating  the  development,  production  and  availability  of  the  statistical
                  follow-up in Sweden. As the coordinating agency, Statistics Sweden’s role is to
                  make sure that the communicative efforts linked to the 2030 Agenda are aimed
                  at contributing to the goal of a sustainable society. A central starting point is
                  that  the  statistical  follow-up  needs  to  be  an  integrated  part  of  the  overall
                  follow-up. This is illustrated in figure 1.

                          Figure 1. Overview of the national follow-up of the 2030 Agenda in Sweden

                     How do you set up the statistical follow-up of an agenda that requires such
                  a thoroughgoing change and spans so many areas and aspects of society? An
                  additional challenge for us is this: The government assignment was in many
                  ways unclear and purposefully vague to leave room for adapting the ambitions
                  to the fact that no additional funding was provided.

                     From  the  start,  it  was  clear  to  us  that  there  are  many  possible  ways  of
                  implementing  the  tasks.  A  very  narrow  interpretation  of  coordination  could
                  mean only keeping track of who provides data and statistics to the global level
                  of the follow-up. At the other extreme of the scale, a broad interpretation could

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