Page 265 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 265

STS543 Veronica B. B. et al.
            capital  adequacy  (gap  relative  to  the  regulatory  threshold).      Moreover,
            monetary policy tightening complements tightening of prudential policies in
            restraining growth of real bank loan commitments. Meanwhile, real exchange
            rate appreciation reacts to tightening of prudential measures.
                Fourth,  in  general,  restricting  prudential  measures  limits  risk-taking
            activities  by  banks.    The  results  show  the  negative  impact  of  tightening
            domestic macroprudential measures on non-performing loans relative to total
            loans. Meanwhile, the results reveal that the impact of both business (output
            gap) and financial cycles (credit-to-GDP ratio) on the movements of NPL ratio
            are positive and significant.  However, when prudential measures are adopted,
            the impact on the NPL ratio becomes negative.
                In general, the results are consistent with analysis that despite the relative
            rise in the level of bank loan portfolio, banks have been more risk-sensitive ,
            although the level of bank loan portfolio is not the focus of these estimations.
            Moreover,  the  response  of  the  growth of NPL  to  shocks  to  growth  in  TLP
            appears to be modest, highlighting that growth in NPL remains stable amid
            growth in TLP.

            4.  Conclusion
                This  study  examined  the  effectiveness  of  changes  in  a  comprehensive
            measure of domestic prudential policies in restraining the growth of real loan
            commitments of U/KBs and TBs to borrowers for new purchases of residential
            property  and  riskiness  of  these  banks’  loan  portfolio  using  panel  data
            regression from the first quarter of 2014 to the fourth quarter of 2017. There
            are improvements that the study intends to pursue moving forward.  From the
            technical point of view, the study intends to explore the use of aging of non-
            performing loans of U/KBs and TBs in assessing the extent of the risk-taking
            activities by banks and to examine the impact of domestic macroprudential
            policies on net interest margins of banks. Moreover, the study aims to use
            difference-in-difference  analysis  to  check  the  robustness  of  results  and  to
            assess the effects of domestic macroprudential policies on the supply of loan
            in greater detail.
                The use of credit registry data will be a future research area to assess the
            impact of domestic macroprudential policies on household and firm credit
            risk.  Matching firm balance sheet information with credit registry data could
            help  us  to  fill  this  gap.  The  approval  into  law  of  the  creation  of  a  Credit
            Information System on 31 October 2008 known as Republic Act No. 9510, “An
            Act Establishing the Credit Information System and for other purposes” and
            the establishment of the Credit Information Corporation (CIC) to address the

            6  See Cachuela, Rafael Augusto (2018). Technical Box Article: “Does Expansion of Bank Lending Leads
            to Weakening of Loan Quality in the Philippines”, Status Report on the Philippine Financial System, First
            Semester 2018.  Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

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