Page 260 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 260

STS543 Veronica B. B. et al.
                  (34) measures were classified as being neutral, largely pertain to changes in
                  reportorial requirements. On balance, the BSP implemented more tightening
                  than loosening measures. In particular, majority of the tightening measures
                  were capital- and liquidity -related measures for Basel III compliance while
                  those of loosening measures were for currency-related instruments and were
                  implemented in connection to the liberalization of the BSP’s foreign exchange
                  framework  starting  in  2007.  Similarly,  there  were  more  resilience-based
                  instruments  (at  56.3%of  the  total  instruments)  adopted  compared  with
                  cyclical-based instruments (at 43.7%)  from the first quarter of 2014 to the
                  fourth quarter of 2017. Of the total measures adopted, 44.3% were tightening
                  measures, 41.8% were loosening and 13.9% were neutral measures.
                      Measures of monetary policy actions. This database compiles and updates
                  monetary policy actions by the BSP based on Bayangos (2017) database to
                  include Term Deposit Facility (TDF) rates under the Interest Rate Corridor (IRC)
                  system introduced in June 2016. This database is an index of both tightening
                  and  loosening  policy  actions  using  a  four-quarter  window  based  on  the
                  estimates.  Similar  to  previous  specifications,  for  each  of  the  central  bank
                  official policy rate, a dummy variable is assigned to a value of positive one (1)
                  if the hike in policy rate is accompanied by a rise in TDF rates; hence, the
                  monetary policy stance is tight; 0, otherwise, or when the reduction in policy
                  rate is accompanied by a drop in TDF rates; hence, the monetary policy stance
                  is loose. The database also includes a measure of the intensity of monetary
                  policy actions by considering the number of times a policy is implemented.
                  Taking the average of these measures is also used.
                      Vector of controls.  This dataset  includes  macro-financial  indicators  and
                  bank-specific characteristics used in the study. These include changes in real
                  Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, real overseas Filipino  remittances,
                  monetary policy rate, TDF rate, bank lending rate, neutral rate of interest rate,
                  output  gap,  bank  credit  to  GDP  ratio  gap,  nominal  peso-dollar  rate,  real
                  effective  exchange  rates.  The  bank-specific  characteristics  in  the  dataset
                  include  the  size  of  a  bank  (or  total  resources  in  real  terms),  liquidity  ratio
                  defined  as  liquid  assets  relative  to  total  assets,  capital  ratios  using  capital
                  adequacy  ratio  and  Common  Equity  Tier  1  ratio  to  total  assets,  funding
                  composition using outstanding deposits relative to total liabilities, profitability
                  of  banks  using  real  net  interest  income,  and  quality  of  bank  loans  using
                  nonperforming loans, non-performing assets and non-performing coverage
                      Estimation  method.  In  this  study,  the  parameters  in  the  models  are
                  estimated using unbalanced panel Generalized Method of Moment (GMM)
                  that is a more appropriate empirical methodology to address the endogeneity
                  between real bank loan commitments and non-performing loans with bank-
                  specific characteristics and macroeconomic indicators. To handle cross-section

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