Page 263 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 263

STS543 Veronica B. B. et al.
                Following Bruno et al (2017),  equation 3 estimates the effectiveness of
            macroprudential tools when changes in monetary policy push in the same or
                               3                                            .
            opposite direction.  The test is on the overall significance of ∑ =1
                Do responses to macroprudential policies vary over the financial cycles?
            Additional interaction terms which combine macroprudential policy indicators
            and real GDP growth (measured by the output gap or the difference between
            the  actual  real  GDP  growth  and  the  average  output  gap  from  four
            approaches ).  This is seen in equation 4 as,

                ∆ log  ,  =  + ∑    ∆ log  ,−  + ∑  =1   ∆ −  +
                ∑  =0   ∆ −  + ∑  =1   ∆ −  ∗ ∆ −  +  ,−1  +  ,  +
                                                                             (eq. 4)

                The goal of this exercise is to determine possible presence of endogeneity
            between output gap and macroprudential tools or their effects may be higher
            when  output  gap  has  widened  or  vice  versa.    The  test  is  on  the  overall
            significance of ∑  =1   . In this study, a measure of financial cycle using credit-
            to-GDP gap or the difference between the actual credit-to-GDP ratio and its
            trend  is  used  in  the  regression  model.  In  the  exercise,  this  study  also
            considered separate consumer loans-to-GDP ratios for U/KBs and TBs.
                Impact on bank risk. In literature, the use of macroprudential tools is also
            intended  to  limit  excessive  bank  risk-taking  activities  in  lending  and
            consequently, the probability of the occurrence of a financial crisis. This study
            looks at how macroprudential tools have an impact on specific measures of
            bank riskiness such as gross non-performing loans over total assets. This is
            seen in equation 5 as,

              ,  =  + ∑  =1  ∆ log  ,−  + ∑  =1   ∆ −  +  ,−1  +  ,  +
                                                                            (eq. 5)

            Where   are bank fixed effects,    ,−1   are   bank   characteristics,
             ,   are macro-financial indicators.  The main coefficient of interest
            is ∑  =1    which  represents  the  impact  of  changes  in  a  domestic
            macroprudential  policy  on  bank  risk-taking  activities  as  seen  in  non-

            3  In the estimation of ∑  =0    − , the contemporaneous impact is considered.
            4     These  approaches  include  (1)  production  function  approach,  (2)  structural  vector
            autoregression (SVAR), (3) macroeconomic unobserved components model (MUCM), and (4)
            Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter.
            5  Credit-to-GDP gaps are derived, in line with the Basel III guidelines for the countercyclical
            capital buffer, as the deviations of the credit-to-GDP ratios from their (real-time) long-term
            trend. Consumer loans-to-GDP was also used in the estimation.

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