Page 261 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 261

STS543 Veronica B. B. et al.
            fixed effects, data are transformed into first difference. Moreover, residuals are
            clustered by banks.
                Empirical analysis. The empirical analysis includes two parts. The first part
            estimates the impact of each prudential tool or measure on bank lending to
            household borrowers as well as the impact on monetary policy conditions and
            economic cycles. The second part looks at the impact on the loan quality using
            nonperforming loans by banks.
                Impact  on  bank  lending  to  household  borrowers.  Using  a  panel
            methodology, the impact at the loan level can be seen in equation 1,

            ∆ log  ,  =  + ∑    ∆ log  ,−  + ∑  =1   ∆ −  +  ,−1  +
             ,  + 
                                                               (eq. 1)

            where  ∆ log   is  the  quarterly  change    in  the  logarithm  of  loan
            committed by bank  to a household borrower based on the acquisition cost
            of the property in real prices over a given period after the introduction or
            change in a macroprudential tool,   are bank fixed effects,  ,−1  are bank
            characteristics,   ,   are  macro-financial  indicators.  The  main
            coefficient of interest is ∑     which represents the impact of changes in a
            domestic  macroprudential  policy  on  bank  loan  commitment  to  household
                In  arriving  at  the  main  dependent  variable,  this  study  considered  the
            quarterly growth of appraised value of the residential unit, the appraised value
            of the lot and the average acquisition cost of the property. These indicators
            are converted in real terms using the Implicit Price Deflator for Real Estate
            Activities from the National Income Accounts. Among these three variables,
            the  real  average  acquisition  cost  of  the  property  proved  to  be  statistically
            stable  and  reliable  as  the  main  dependent  variable.  Moreover,  this  study
            considers two separate dummies for tightening actions and loosening actions.
            Such an approach could help verify asymmetric effects of each prudential tool
            (Kuttner and Shim, 2016; Bruno et al. 2017). The exercise also considers the
            intensity or the total number of times each prudential tool has been used,
            classified  by  tightening  and  loosening  measures  and  by  resilience-  and
            cyclical- based measures. Moreover, the estimation uses the net intensity on
            the use of each prudential tool, that is, net tightening and net loosening.
                The exercise also estimates how much it takes for a given prudential tool
            to propagate its effects on lending or the optimal k in equation 1. Equation 1
            considers only the effect after one quarter. However, the propagation effects
            could be longer, especially with respect to the implementation of a bank loan

            1  In the empirical estimation, the lag effects included contemporaneous impact.  However, these
            contemporaneous estimates did not yield significant results.

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