Page 303 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 303

STS544 M. Camachoa et al.
                   Given the publication lags of GDP, different nowcasting and forecasting
               methods  have  been  proposed  to  asses  current  and  future  economic
               conditions, using real-time data of economic variables that are published on
               a  more  frequent  and  timely  basis,  such  as  industrial  production,  financial
               variables,  or  consumer  and  business  confidence.  To  deal  with  the  mixed
               frequencies, unbalanced panel data and the potential non-linearity of these
               variables, different methods have been proposed, such as bridge equations,
               MIxed  DAta  Sampling  (MIDAS)  regression  models,  and  Dynamic  Factor
               Models (DFM).
                   In this paper, we review the experience at BBVA Research in the use of
               DFM  to  nowcast  and  forecast  GDP  growth  in  our  footprint,  which  can  be
               summarized  in  six  lessons.  First,  DFM  forecast  GDP  growth  and  recession
               probabilities at least as well as other models in the large sample of countries
               (world,  USA,  EMU,  China,  Spain,  Portugal,  Turkey,  Argentina  and  Mexico).
               Second, DFM forecast in a very parsimonious ways, allowing to present easily
               the contribution of different indicators to forecasts innovations. Third, financial
               variables, such as the slope of the yield curve or financial tension indexes,
               contain  valuable  information  about  future  growth  and  can  be  easily
               introduced in DFM. Fourth, DFM should be tailored to different countries and
               variables.  Fifth,  DFM  can  be  used  to  estimate  the  underlying  activity  in
               countries where official GDP statistics are not reliable. And sixth, DFM allow
               the introduction of useful indicators of economic activity obtained using real-
               time  big  data  (e.g.,  retail  sales,  credit  cards  spending,  etc.),  improving
               nowcasting significantly.

               2.  Methodology
               2.1 Small-scale dynamic factor models
                   DFM were advocated by Geweke (1977) as a time-series extension of factor
               models previously developed for cross-sectional data. The premise of DFM is
               that the covariation among economic time series variables at leads and lags
               can be traced to a few underlying unobserved series, usually known as factors.
               Although dynamic factor models have been the source of a vast literature, in
               this paper we focus on the "single-index" dynamic factor model developed by
               Stock and Watson (1989, 1991). Low-dimensional parametric dynamic factor
               models are expressed in state space form. This implies that the Kalman Filter
               can  be  used  to  construct  the  Gaussian  likelihood  function  and  thereby  to
               estimate the unknown parameters of the model by maximum likelihood.
               2.2 The single-index dynamic factor model
                   Let    denote  the   × 1  vector  of  a  set  of  macroeconomic  indicators
               observed at period . These indicators are assumed to be covariance stationary

               1  See Camacho, Perez-Quiros and Saiz, 2013, and Foroni and Marcellino, 2013.

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