Page 304 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 304

STS544 M. Camachoa et al.
               and typically refer to either growth rates of hard indicators or the level of soft
               indicators. Without any loss of generality, we will consider a set of only two
               economic indicators, which implies   = ( ,  )′. The single-index dynamic
               factor approach attempts to forecasting a targeted time series,  , by using its
               own  dynamics  and  the  dynamics  of  a  set  of  indicators,    that  capture
               aggregate economic activity.
                   Let us assume that the variables used in the model admit a dynamic factor
               representation. In this case, the -th indicator of the model can be written as
               the sum of two stochastic unobserved components: a common component,
                , which represents the overall business cycle conditions, and an idiosyncratic
               component,  , which refers to the particular dynamics of the time series. Both
               the unobserved index and the idiosyncratic component are modeled as having
               linear  stochastic  structures.  In  particular,  the  underlying  business  cycle
               conditions are assumed to evolve with ( ) dynamics

                                    =    + ⋯ +   −   +  ,            (1)
                                         1 −1
               where  ~. . . (0,  ).
                   Apart from constructing an index of the business cycle conditions, we are
               interested in computing accurate short-term forecasts of  . To compute these
               forecasts, we start by assuming that the evolution this time series depends
               linearly  on   and  on  their  idiosyncratic  dynamics  ,  which  evolves  as  an
               ( ),
                                                      =   +                     (2)
                                                     =   −1  + ⋯ +     +  .   (3)
               where  ~. . . (0,  ).
                   In the same way, the economic indicators also admit a  common factor
               representation, in the sense that they depend contemporaneously on   and
               on their idiosyncratic dynamics,  . Again, the idiosyncratic components of the
               n monthly indicators can be expressed in terms of autoregressive processes of
                                                      =   +                     (4)
                                                     =    + ⋯ +     +  ,   (5)
                                        1 −1
               where  ~. . . (0,  )   = 1,2.
                   The main identifying assumption is that the co-movements of the multiple
               time series arise from the single source of the common factor  . This is made
               precise by assuming that ( ,  ,  ,  ) are mutually and serially uncorrelated
               at all leads and lags. In addition, the scale of   is identified by setting the
               normalization restriction that  = 1.
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