Page 299 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 299

STS544 Paolo F. et al.

                                      Combination vs. First   ARIMA vs. First
                              ME             -0.07                 0.11
                             MAE              0.86                 1.36
                             RMSE             1.09                 1.79
                             MaxE             3.16                 5.85
               Table 2: ME, MAE, RMSE and MaxE for the nowcast combination approach, evaluated
               using the first version of TIO growth. The set of predictors is based on trucks' traffic
                   Table 2 gives us some really interesting insights. With respect to the first
               version  of  TIO,  the  nowcasts  combination  based  on  traffic  data  provides
               slightly worse predictions, at least compared to the sales' data. However, the
               MAE and MaxE are fairly low, and much lower than the ones of the automated
               ARIMA model, indicating a satisfactory nowcasting performance.
                   We now turn to the results regarding the estimation of quarterly GDP year-
               on-year growth, in real terms. In particular, we nowcast the t + 60 release of
               GDP, which is the first  official release made by Statistics Finland. Next, we
               report  the  nowcasting  performance  measures  for  these  three  sets  of
               predictions.  We  also  compare  our  results  against  the  performance  of  the
               Statistics Finland's flash estimate of GDP. Notice that even in this application,
               we are using only the vintage of data which would have been available at the
               time the nowcasts or flash estimates were to be computed.

                      Nowcast second month  Nowcast third month  Nowcasts 16 days after  StatFi Flash
                 ME           0.28                 0.08               0.05          0.01
                 MAE           1.1                 1.06               0.84          0.78
                RMSE          1.39                 1.31               0.99          0.92
                 MaxE         3.23                 2.97               2.13          1.77
               Table 3: ME, MAE, RMSE and MaxE for GDO nowcasts, using nowcasts combinations.
               The set of predictors is based on firms' sales.

                   Looking  at  Table  3,  we  see  that  our  nowcasting  framework  is  able  to
               predict GDP accurately. As we can  expect, the performance of the models
               improves the later we compute the nowcasts and, from the second estimate
               onward. In particular, the latest estimates presents a comparable performance
               compared  to  the  Statistics  Finland  flash  estimates,  providing  a  30  days
               reduction in publication lag.
                   Finally, we examine the performance of the nowcasts based on traffic data
               in Table 4.

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