Page 300 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 300

STS544 Paolo F. et al.

                       Nowcast second month Nowcast third month Nowcasts 16 days after  StatFi Flash
                  ME             0.21              -0.12              0.04          0.01
                  MAE            1.04              1.04               0.79          0.78
                 RMSE            1.31              1.29               0.98          0.92
                 MaxE            3.21              3.28               2.15          1.77
               Table 4: ME, MAE, RMSE and MaxE for GDO nowcasts, using nowcasts combinations.
               The set of predictors is based on trucks' traffic volumes.

                   The results of Table 4 confirm that the nowcasts produced using traffic
               date have a satisfactory predictive performance, very similar to the one based
               on firm-level sales. Overall, it is interesting to see that traffic data are allowing
               us to create fairly precise estimates of GDP growth well before the official
               publication by Statistics Finland. Given the potentially real-time availability of
               traffic  volumes'  measurements,  these  results  indicate  the  need  to  further
               explore the nowcasting ability of models based on these data.

               5.  Conclusions
                   We  have  examined  the  potential  of  large  micro-level  datasets,  in
               combination with statis-tical models and machine learning techniques that are
               able to handle high-dimensional information sets, for the production of faster
               estimates of real economic activity in-dicators, both at the monthly and at the
               quarterly  frequency.  In  particular,  we  have  examined  the  nowcasting
               performance of firm-level data, and of trucks' traffic volumes measurements.
                   We find that a simple combination of the nowcasts obtained from a large
               set of machine learning techniques and large dimensional statistical models is
               able to produce accurate estimates of monthly real economic activity, or at
               least estimates that do not lead to a much larger revision error compared to
               the  current  official  publications.  While  the  revision  errors  do  not  increase
               substantially, our approach allows for a reduction in the publication lag of
               roughly  30  days,  when  considering  the  monthly  indicator.  Turning  to  the
               results related to quarterly GDP, we find that our nowcasts would produce
               fairly  accurate  estimates  of  GDP  growth  during  the  third  months  of  the
               reference quarter, even though there are few large errors. On the other hand,
               the nowcasts computed at t + 16 are accurate and do not show large revisions,
               or at least revisions that are compatible with the ones of Statistics Finland.
               Even though these estimates would be produced after the end of the quarter,
               they would still allow for more than a month reduction of the publication lag.
               Finally,  it  is  important  to  underline  the  satisfactory  performance  of  traffic
               measurements data. The potential of  this source of information should be
               explored further, given its real-time availability.

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