Page 364 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 364

STS550 Matteo Mogliani
                  high  correlation,  while  the  the  FPR  remains  overall  very  low.  This  result  is
                  nevertheless not unexpected, as  the Group Lasso can  address the issue of
                  strong collinearity within the lag polynomials but is not designed to handle
                  strong collinearity between the high-frequency regressors. Finally, looking at
                  the forecasting performance, the results are broadly in line with the in-sample
                  analysis and suggest that the models perform overall quite similarly in terms
                  of point and density forecasts, although the BMIDAS-AGL-SS model seems to
                  perform best overall. The performance of the models deteriorates substantially
                  with higher correlation in the design matrix, but it is relatively stable with K
                      We  apply  the  proposed  Bayesian  MIDAS  penalized  regressions  to  US
                  quarterly GDP data. We consider 42 real and financial indicators, sampled at
                  monthly, weekly, and daily frequencies. The data sample starts in 1980Q1, and
                  we  set  2000Q1  and  2017Q4  the  first  and  last  out-of-sample  observations,
                  respectively. Estimates are carried-out recursively using an expanding window,
                  and  h-step-ahead  posterior  predictive  densities  (ℎ=  0,1,4)  are  generated
                  through a direct forecast approach. Forecasts are compared to those from a
                  benchmark  model  represented  by  a  simple  random-walk  (RW).  Point  and
                  density  forecasts  are  evaluated  by  the  means  of  standard  criteria.  As  a
                  robustness check, we further consider forecasts from alternative competing
                  models,  such  as  the  AR(1),  the  combination  of  single-indicator  Bayesian
                  MIDAS models, the Bayesian model selection (BMS), and the Bayesian model
                  averaging (BMA). Our findings suggest that the penalized BMIDAS  models
                  outperform the benchmark RW at all the horizons, whether point or density
                  forecasts are considered. When compared to the set of alternative models, our
                  penalized BMIDAS models display predictive gains at ℎ = 0 and ℎ = 1. At ℎ =
                  4, the predictive performance of most of the alternative competing models is
                  only slightly superior or inferior to that of our penalized regressions. Looking
                  at the selection of predictors over the pseudo out-of-sample, the results point
                  to  systematic  inclusion  of  a  few  real  high-frequency  indicators.  Further,
                  selection  appears  more  parsimonious  and  stable  for  the  BMIDAS-AGL-SS
                  model. Virtually no financial indicators are selected by our models at ℎ = 0,
                  with real hard- and soft-data conveying all the relevant information. However,
                  this feature tends to attenuate for ℎ = 1, where some high-frequency financial
                  indicators  are  selected.  All  in  all,  this  result  is  broadly  in  line  with  recent
                  literature  (Andreou  et  al.,  2013)  and  suggests  that  financial  variables  may
                  convey some, although limited, short-term leading information which goes
                  beyond the predictive content of real indicators.

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