Page 362 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 362

STS550 Matteo Mogliani
                  similar to that pointed out by Zou and Hastie (2005), and it is mostly related
                  to the lack of strict convexity in the Lasso penalty. To address this issue, we
                  propose a solution based on the Adaptive Group Lasso (AGL) estimator (Wang
                  and Leng, 2008). This approach introduces a penalty to a group of regressors,
                  rather than a single regressor, that may lead (if the group structure is carefully
                  set by the researcher) to a finite sample improvement of the AL. In the present
                  framework, it seems reasonable to define a group as each of the  vectors of
                  lag polynomials in the model. This grouping structure is motivated by the fact
                  that if one high-frequency predictor is irrelevant, it should be expected that
                  zero-coefficients occur in all the parameters of its lag polynomial. This strategy
                  should overcome, at least in part, the limitation of the Lasso in presence of
                  strong correlation in the design matrix arising from the correlation among lags
                  of the transformed high-frequency predictors.
                     Several  approaches  have  been  proposed  in  the  literature  to  estimate
                  penalized  regressions.  In  this  paper,  we  consider  a  Bayesian  hierarchical
                  approach.  We  then  introduce  the  Bayesian  MIDAS  Adaptive  Group  Lasso
                  model (BMIDAS-AGL), based on the Bayesian Group Lasso prior of Kyung et
                  al. (2010), where the conditional prior of  can be expressed as a scale mixture
                  of Normals with Gamma hyper-priors. However, an expected feature of this
                  model is that a sparse solution cannot be perfectly achieved, as the Bayesian
                  approach provides a shrinkage of the coefficients towards zero, but usually
                  not exactly to zero. Recent literature has increasingly focused on combining
                  the  potential  advantages  of  spike-and-slab  methods  and  the  penalized
                  likelihood  approach  (Roëkováand  George,  2018).  In  the  present  study,  we
                  follow Xu and Ghosh (2015) and we introduce the Bayesian MIDAS Adaptive
                  Group Lasso with spike-and-slab priors (BMIDAS-AGL-SS). This prior provides
                  two shrinkage effects: the point mass at 0 (the spike part of the prior), which
                  leads to exact zero coefficients, and the Group Lasso prior on the slab part.
                     Our  hierarchical  models  treat  the  penalty  parameters  λ  as  hyper-
                  parameters, i.e. random variables with gamma prior distributions and gamma
                  posterior distributions. However, the main drawback of this approach is that
                  these posterior distributions can be sensitive to the choice of the prior. An
                  alternative approach resorts to an Empirical Bayes estimation of the hyper-
                  parameters,  i.e.  using  the  data  to  propose an  estimate  of  λ,  which can  be
                  obtained  through  marginal  maximum  likelihood.  For  this  purpose,  a  usual
                  choice  is  the  Monte  Carlo  EM  algorithm  (MCEM),  which  complements  the
                  Gibbs sampler and provides marginal maximum likelihood estimates of the
                  hyper-parameters. From a computational point of view, the MCEM algorithm
                  may be extremely expensive, as each nth Monte Carlo iteration requires a fully
                  converged Gibbs sampling from the posterior distribution of the parameters.
                  In the present framework, careful attention must be paid to this point, because
                  the computational burden implied by the Group Lasso increases dramatically

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