Page 360 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 360

STS550 Matteo Mogliani
                  aggregating  (weighting)  functions.  The  inclusion  of  many  high-frequency
                  variables into MIDAS regressions may nevertheless lead to overparameterized
                  models, with poor predictive performance. This happens because the MIDAS
                  regression approach can efficiently address the dimensionality issue arising
                  from the number of high-frequency lags in the model, but not that arising
                  from the number of high-variables. Hence, recent literature has focused on
                  MIDAS penalized regressions, based mainly on the so-called Lasso and Elastic-
                  Net penalizations (Marsilli, 2014; Siliverstovs, 2017; Uematsu and Tanaka, in
                      In the present paper, we propose a similar approach, but we depart from
                  the existing literature on several points. First, we consider MIDAS regressions
                  resorting to Almon lag polynomial weighting schemes, which depend only on
                  a  bunch  of  functional  parameters  governing  the  shape  of  the  weighting
                  function and keep linearity in the regression model. Second, we consider a
                  Group Lasso penalty, which operates on distinct groups of regressors, and we
                  set as many groups as the number of high-frequency predictors, allowing each
                  group  to  include  the  entire  Almon  lag  polynomial  of  each  predictor.  This
                  grouping  structure  is  motivated  by  the  fact  that  if  one  high-frequency
                  predictor is irrelevant, it should be expected that zero-coefficients occur in all
                  the parameters of its lag polynomial. Third, we implement Bayesian techniques
                  for the estimation of our penalized MIDAS regressions. The Bayesian approach
                  offers two attractive features in our framework. The first one is the inclusion of
                  spike-and-slab priors that, combined with the penalized likelihood approach,
                  aim at improving the selection ability of the model by adding a probabilistic
                  recovery layer to the hierarchy. The second one is the estimation of the penalty
                  hyper-parameters through an automatic and data-driven approach that does
                  not resort to extremely time-consuming pilot runs. In this paper we consider
                  an  algorithm  based  on  stochastic  approximations,  which  consists  in
                  approximating the steps necessary to estimate the hyper-parameters in such
                  a  way that simple analytic solutions can  be used. It turns out that penalty
                  hyper-parameters  can  be  automatically  tuned  with  a  small  computational
                  effort compared to existing and very popular alternative algorithms.

                  2.  Methodology
                      Consider the variable t, which is observed at discrete times (i.e. only once
                  between t − 1 and t), and suppose that we want to use information stemming
                  from a set of  predictors  ()  =  1,  ,... ,  ,  )’, which are observed  times
                  between t − 1 and t, for forecasting purposes. The variables t and    , for
                   = 1, … ,   are  said  to  be  sampled  at  different  frequencies.  For  instance,
                  quarterly and monthly frequencies, respectively, in which case  = 3. Let us
                  define  the  high-frequency  lag  operator  1/m ,  such  that  L 1/m ()  =  ()  .
                                                                               ,  ,−1/
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