Page 365 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 365

STS550 Matteo Mogliani
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                We  proposed  a  new  approach  to  modeling  and  forecasting  mixed-
            frequency  regressions  (MIDAS)  that  addresses  the  issue  of  simultaneously
            estimating  and  selecting  relevant  high-frequency  predictors  in  a  high-
            dimensional  environment.  Our  approach  is  based  on  MIDAS  regressions
            resorting  to  Almon  lag  polynomials  and  an  adaptive  penalized  regression
            approach, namely the Group Lasso objective function. The proposed models
            rely on Bayesian techniques for estimation and inference. In particular, the
            penalty  hyper-parameters  driving  the  model  shrinkage  are  automatically
            tuned via an Empirical Bayes algorithm based on stochastic approximations.
            Simulations show that the proposed models present very good in-sample and
            out-of-sample performance. When applied to a forecasting model of U.S. GDP
            with high-frequency real and financial predictors, the results suggest that our
            models  produce  significant  out-of-sample  short-term  predictive  gains
            compared to several alternative models. Further, our findings are broadly in
            line  with  the  existing  literature,  in  the  extent  that  high-frequency  financial
            variables have non-zero, although limited, short-term predictive content.

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