Page 361 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 361

STS550 Matteo Mogliani
            Further, let h = 0, 1/, 2/, 3/, ... be an (arbitrary) forecast horizon, where
            h = 0 denotes a nowcast with high-frequency information fully matching the
            low-frequency  sample.  The  MIDAS  approach  plugs-in  the  high-frequency
            lagged  structure  of  predictors   ,−ℎ  in  a  regression  model  for  the  low-
            frequency response variable t as follows:
                                  =  + ∑ ( 1  ;  ()  +  ,                                    (1)
            where   is i.i.d. with mean zero and variance σ  <  ∞, and ( 1  ;  ) =
            ∑ −1  (;  )    is a weighting structure which depends on the weighting
            function B(c;  ), a vector of p + 1 parameters   = ( ,0 ,  , 1, … ,  , ), and
            a  maximum  lag  length  C.  In  this  study,  we  consider  the  simply
            polynomial  approximation  of ( 1  ;  ) provided  by  the  Almon  lag
            polynomial  B(c;  ) = ∑     . Under  the  so-called  “direct  method”,
            Equation (1) with Almon lag polynomials can be reparameterized as:
                                       t =  +   ()  + ⋯ +    ()  +                              (2)
            where    ,  = 1, … , , is  a  vector  of  linear  combinations  of  the  observed
            high-frequency regressors,  ()  =  () , with  ()  a (C × 1) vector of high-
            frequency lags and  a ( + 1 × ) polynomial weighting matrix. The main
            advantage  of  the  Almon  lag  polynomials  is  that  (2)  is  linear  and
            parsimonious,  as  it  depends  only  on  ( + 1) parameters  and  can  be
            estimated consistently and efficiently via standard methods.
                Although appealing, the MIDAS regression in (2) may be easily affected by
            over-parameterization and multicollinearity in presence of a large number of
            potentially correlated predictors. To achieve variable selection and parameter
            estimation  simultaneously,  Tibshirani  (1996)  proposed  the  least  absolute
            shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso). In a nutshell, the Lasso is a penalized
            least squares procedure, in which the loss function ℒ () is minimized after
            setting a constraint on the ℓ  norm of the vector of regression coefficients,
            where the amount of penalization is controlled by a parameter λ. To achieve
            the oracle property, which guarantees that the estimator performs as well as
            if the true model had been revealed to the researcher in advance by an oracle,
            Zou (2006) proposed the Adaptive Lasso (AL), where a different amount of
            shrinkage (i.e. a different penalty term) is used for each individual regression
            coefficient. However, the AL may not be suited in the present framework, as
            lags of high-frequency predictors are by construction highly correlated and
            hence the Lasso estimator would tend to select randomly only one lag and
            shrink the remaining polynomial coefficients to zero. The theoretical rationale
            for a failure in the selection ability of the AL in our mixed-frequency setting is

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