Page 371 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 371

STS550 Kyle Hood et al.
            are  used  in  estimation.  We  also  note  that  while  a  general  version  of  the
            bridging-with-factors  model  can  be  found  in  Giannone,  Reichlin  and  Small
            (2008), our model is simplified in that it makes no assumptions on how factors
            evolve over time—assumptions that tend to restrain the behavior of the factors
            to some extent.
            Model-averaging algorithms
                Five procedures are selected to average among specifications of the above
            GB and BF models. We define three categories of model averaging: simple
            averaging,  information-criterion-based  averaging,  and  Bates-Granger  (BG)
            averaging  with  LOOCV.  We  focus  narrowly  on  averaging  the  nowcasts
            associated  with  each  model,  but  because  the  models  are  linear,  this  is
            equivalent to averaging the parameters.
                In the first category, simple averaging, models are averaged using either
            equally weighted means or medians of the models, giving us a total of two
            simple averaging techniques. Simple averaging is typically optimal when short
            samples hamper precise estimation of the weights (Smith and Wallis, 2009).
                In the second, category, IC-based averaging, weights are defined to be
            proportional to the exponential of the negative of an information criterion, in
                                            exp {− }
                                                        ℎ   =   ℎ  .                                                     (4)
                                         ∑ ′  exp {−1 ′}
                                          ℎ =1
            Here, h indexes the model, ranging from 1 to H. ICh is an information criterion
            associated  with  the  estimated  model  h.  In  this  paper,  we  use  the  Akaike
            information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) for this
            purpose, for a total to two IC-based averaging techniques.
                The  third  model-averaging  method,  BG  averaging  (Bates  and  Granger,
            1969), has weights that are proportional to the inverse of the sample forecast
            variance of model h, denoted ̂ ,
                                            1 ⁄  2
                                                         ℎ   =      ̂ 1 ℎ  .                                                          (5)
                                           ℎ =1  ⁄  2
                                                 ̂ ′
            To ensure that we have a “clean” pseudo-out-of-sample subset with which to
            compare  nowcasts,  the  inverse  forecast  variances  are  computed  in-sample
            using  LOO-CV.  The  LOO-CV  algorithm  iterates  over  the  in-sample
            observations, leaving each observation out once. An error is computed for
            each observation that was left out based on parameters estimated from the

            1  Each  of  these  techniques  is  discussed  by  Diks  and  Vrugt  (2017).  Our  Bates-Granger
            technique  differs  slightly  in  that  we  are  using  the  leave-one-out  cross-validation  errors,
            rather than in-sample residuals.

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