Page 370 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 370

STS550 Kyle Hood et al.
                  and so in the literature sometimes do not cover the entire period of time being
                  nowcasted. In this case, however, we have access to all three months of data
                  that cover our sample period. We convert these data to a quarterly value and
                  use  the  quarterly  data  in  the  GB  model.  The regression  specification  for  a
                  single detailed component is
                                    =  + ∑    + ∑ ∑  ̅     +  .                            (1)
                                                                , ,−
                                            =1        =1  =0
                  Here, t is time (quarter) and j(1, ... , ) indexes indicators if there are more than
                  one. yt is the dependent variable (the nowcast target), while ̅ j,t-1  represents
                  the quarterly average of a monthly indicator, and ∈t is the error term. j,i and
                  i are collections of parameters on the lag polynomials, and c is a constant.
                  Note that this regression is estimated separately for each detailed component
                  (i.e., there is no pooling of observations across cross-sections). p and k are the
                  number of lags used for the dependent variable and for the indicators and are
                  assumed  to  be  equal  to  each  other  in  most  of  the  specifications  below.
                  Because of its use of indicators, we sometimes refer to this as an “indicator
                     Our BF model is very similar in its basic specification to the GB model, except
                  that  the  indicators  (x’s)  in  Equation  (1)  are  replaced  with  common  factors,
                  denoted with an ƒ (and of which there are r), namely,

                                     =  + ∑    + ∑ ∑  ̅    +  .                             (2)
                                                                , ,−
                                            =1        =1  =0
                  These common factors, meant to capture movements in the entire collection
                  of (monthly) indicators, are assumed to be related to the (monthly) indicators
                                                              xm = ⋀ ƒm + ζm                                                                             (3)
                  Note  that  we  have  omitted  the  bars  above  these  variables  (which  indicate
                  quarterly averages of monthly variables) and replaced the time subscript with
                  an m ∈ {1, ... ,M}, indicating that these variables are expressed at a monthly
                  frequency. Here, the Λfm is known as the “common component” of xm while the
                  ζm represents the “idiosyncratic component” of xm. Λ is an n×r matrix of “factor
                  loadings” which is constant over time (and where n is the number of indicators)
                  and fm is an r×1 vector of common factors for month m. The factor model is
                  estimated via principal components analysis (PCA), which is appropriate if any
                  cross-sectional dependence in xm coming from the idiosyncratic component
                  (ζm)  is  transitory.  The  PCA  procedure  produces  a  collection  of  min{M,n}
                  mutually-orthogonal monthly factors which can be fed into Equation (2). The
                  Bai-Ng criterion (Bai and Ng, 2002) is used to select the number of factors that

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