Page 373 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 373

STS550 Kyle Hood et al.
            factor number selection, move on to a discussion of revisions by PCE services
            group, and finally discuss revisions by algorithm type.
                Because of the number of parameters to be estimated in the richest lag
            structures, we set an upper limit of 2 common factors. The Bai-Ng criterion
            selects 2 as the number of factors, so in all cases, 2 factors are considered.
            Table 2 provides a summary of the estimation results. This summary is focused
            on revision reductions for the individual PCE component series, grouped by
            algorithm  and  PCE  services  grouping.  Columns  (2)  through  (9)  represent
            counts of detailed components for which the algorithm performed the best.
            Columns  (3)  through  (7)  show  the  number  of  times  a  model-averaging
            algorithm was optimal, and columns (8) and (9) show counts of components
            for which single indicator (GB) and factor (BF) models chosen by AICC were
                For 16 of the 85 series that were nowcasted, no improvement was seen in
            the  out-of-sample  validation  set  relative  to  the  current  method.  In  the
            remaining 69 series, at least one of the methods showed some improvement
            over current methods. Improvements were relatively evenly spaced out over
            the PCE services component groups. Healthcare showed improvement in 15
            of 20 series, recreation in 14 of 16 series, communications in 4 of 6 series,
            professional services in all 5 series, travel and transportation in all 14 series,
            personal services in 5 of 7 series, and social services in 12 of 17 series. The
            column  on  the  far right  shows  the  average  relative  revision  (in  root  mean
            square terms), compared to the current method. The best improvement in a
            components series was in motor vehicle rental (in the TRSFTR group), which
            showed a revision reduction of about 75%. Average reductions by grouping
            ranged from about half (PRS) to 12.6% (RCA), with an overall average of 26.8%.
                As noted above, the forecast combination puzzle asserts that empirically,
            simple averages often perform better than other methods that derive weights
            from model performance (Smith and Wallis, 2009). This holds for these results.
            For 34 of the series (nearly half of the 69 for which a reduction in revision was
            achieved), simple averages (means or medians) of the 12 forecasts were the
            best-performing algorithms. For 26 series, the best model was a single model
            within either the indicator or factor models selected by AICC. Among these,
            the indicator models was selected more than three times as often as the factor
            model. In only 9 cases were the other 3 methods optimal, with the AIC-based
            and the Bates-Granger methods accounting for 8 of the 9.

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