Page 372 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 372

STS550 Kyle Hood et al.
                  rest of the sample. Thus, if there are Τ in-sample observations, the model is
                  computed  Τ  times  on  Τ  -1  observations,  and  Τ  leave-one-out  errors  are
                  computed. These errors are then used to compute a sample forecast variance.
                  Model specifications
                     We have selected 12  model specifications to be  supplied  to  each of  the
                  model-averaging algorithms. These are further grouped into six indicator model
                  specifications  and  six  factor  model  specifications.  Within  each  grouping,  we
                  consider  model  specifications  with  lags  from  0  (only  the  contemporaneous
                  indicator or factor) to 4 (including the contemporaneous indicator or factor, lags
                  of the indicator or factor up to and including lag 4, and lags of the third estimate
                  up to and including lag 4). This yields 5 model specifications for each grouping.
                  In addition, we consider the most general model specification in each grouping
                  (the 4-lag model), selecting the best submodel using the small-sample-corrected
                  Akaike  Information  Criterion  (AICC).  This  provides  two  additional  model
                  specifications, for a total of 12 = 2(5 + 1). Table 1 shows a summary of the
                  number of parameters to be estimated for each of these model specifications.
                  Other modeling details
                     To  provide  an  unbiased  picture  of  the  improvements  in  revision
                  performance  anticipated  for  any  of  the  models  and  model-averaging
                  algorithms, the sample is split into an estimation sample and a test sample. All
                  model parameters and model-averaging weights are computed only on the
                  estimation  sample.  To  compute  the  complete  set  of  revisions  for  the  test
                  sample, we estimate the models and model-averaging weights on a “rolling”
                  basis, meaning that for each period in the test sample, model parameters and
                  weights  are  recomputed  using  all  observations  prior  to  the  period  under
                  consideration (this is also often called “recursive” estimation in the literature).
                             Table 1. Number of model parameters by specification
                                  Lag         Indicator model      Factor model
                                  (s)          (c, xt, xt-s, yt-s)   (c, f1,t, f2,t, f1,t-s, f2,t-s, .., yt-s)
                                  0                   2                 1+r
                                  1                   4                2+2r
                                  2                   6                3+3r
                                  3                   8                4+4r
                                  4                  10                5+5r
                         "best" model (AICC)         ≤10                    ≤5+5r
                         1. r is the number of factors.

                  3.  Results
                      There is not space in this paper for a full accounting of the results of the
                  estimation exercise, and so we will provide an overview. We start by discussing

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