Page 397 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 397

STS551 Stephen Wu et al.
                Several factors can contribute to such discrepancies, such as the choice of the
            force field and its calibration, computational errors and experimental uncertainties.
            Furthermore,  the  calibration  of  force  fields  in  MD  simulations  often  relies  on
            experimental data that exhibit a special structure. The experimental data, which is the
            measurements of some physical quantities, often contains repeated data set using
            different  measurement  techniques  or  under  variable  environmental  conditions.
            Therefore, this is a perfect example to demonstrate the use of hierarchical Bayesian
            models (Wu et al., 2015a; Wu et al., 2015b). We can observe from Fig. 4 that non-
            hierarchical model tends to under-estimate the uncertainty of the parameters, and
            instead  capturing  some  strong  correlation  between  the  two  MD  model

             Figure 4: Comparing results of (a) non-hierarhical Bayesian model inference
                            and (b) hierarhical Bayesian model inference.

                The  second  example  we  give  is  on  the  calibration  of  pharmacokinetics
            models based on actual clinical data. Once again, these data, which can be
            coming from different patients or same patient but different period of time,
            exhibit a similar data structure to our simple linear example. Therefore, this is
            also a perfect example to demonstrate the use of hierarchical Bayesian models
            (Wu et al., 2018).

            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                Hierarchical  Bayesian  model  is  an  essential  tool  for  many  engineering
            problems,  because  most  of  the  experiments  in  practice  are  performed
            repeatedly  with  some  inevitable  environmental  changes.  Ignoring  such
            uncertainties will often result in misleading conclusions. It is known that when
            a likelihood model only consider additive noise, increase of data will lead to

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