Page 395 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 395

STS551 Stephen Wu et al.
            Data Set 1) All uncertainties are moved to the measurement error, i.e.,   = 0
                 and   =  0.4.  Each  data  point  among  the  1000  is  generated
                 independently from a random measurement noise.
            Data Set 2a) Each data point among the 1000 is generated independently
                 from a random noise for   = 0.2 and a random noise for   = 0.2.
            Data Set 2b) For each data set  , one fixed value of  ()  is generated based
                 on    =  0.2  and  it  is  used  to  generate  the  50  data  points  with
                 independent random noise for y = 0.2.

                Figure 2 shows the three data sets generated for this test. You can see a clear
            distinction between data generated from different presumed stochastic models. Also,
            Data Set 2b shows more regularity compared to Data Set 2a because it is simulated
            based on 20 fixed θ values. After applying the hierarchical Bayesian modeling analysis,
            the results turn out to show only the hierarchical can successfully infer θ in all three
            cases correctly. Although this may be a very intuitive result, such a data structure
            differences are often seen in many practical engineering problems. Hence, we stress
            the importance of developing an efficient yet reliable algorithm for such kind of
            hierarchical Bayesian model inference.

                           Figure 2: Three sets of data generated for the test.

            2.3 Efficient approximation for complex model
                  Hierarchical  Bayesian  models  require  efficient  estimation  of  (| , )  as
            shown in Table 1. This is a very difficult problem, especially when the likelihood
            function  ( | ,  )  involves  evaluating  a  very  computational  demanding
            function. Some of the common solutions include using conjugate pairs to achieve
            analytical results (Congdon, 2010), using approximation from Laplace Asymptotic
            Approximation (Wu et al., 2015), or using specially designed Markov Chain Monte
            Carlo techniques (Nagel and Sudret, 2015). Here, we adopt the post-processing
            approach  proposed  in  Wu  et  al.  (2018),  which  was  developed  to  meet  many
            practical constraints.
                The key concept of the post-processing method is to pick a general prior
            proposal ( | )  for  each  likelihood ( | ,  ).  If  we  can  perform  a
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