Page 399 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 399

STS552 Norhayati Razi

                          Compilation of sectorisation and information
                                 on portfolio investment statistics
                                           Norhayati Razi
                       IIP and EDS, Statistical Services Department Central Bank of Malaysia

            Given the rapid growth in international financial flows as well as increasing
            interest  by  policy  makers  and  market  analysts  on  cross-border  portfolio
            investment,  the  Central  Banks  in  their  dual  role  as  compilers  and  users  of
            statistics faced numerous challenges in compiling the statistics.  For portfolio
            investment in reporting economies, difficulties to obtain accurate information
            arises when the securities are not fully settled through domestic custodians.
            On  the  other  hand,  collecting  information  on  portfolio  investment  abroad
            could hampered by insufficient details as well as constraints imposed to limit
            the  reporting  entities’  reporting  burden.    This  presentation  is  to  share
            experience in portfolio investment data compilation through an integrated
            approach,  particularly  the  benefits  of  subscribing  to  IMF’s  centralised
            securities  database  on  International  Securities  Identification  Number  (ISIN)

            quarterly  IIP  survey,  portfolio  investment  statistics,  international  financial
            flows, information granularities, reporting burden.

            1.  Introduction
                External sector statistics in Malaysia is compiled jointly by Bank Negara
            Malaysia (BNM, the Central Bank) and the Department of Statistics, Malaysia
            (DOSM,  the  national  statistics  office),  through  the  formal  institutional
            arrangement and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between
            the  two  agencies.    Each  institution  carries  out  its  respective  roles  and
            responsibilities, guided by the MOU and the legal frameworks, namely the
            Central  Bank  of Malaysia  Act,  2009  (CBA  2009)  and  the  Statistic  Act 1965.
            These  legal  provisions  provide  clear  guidance  for  the  compilation  and
            dissemination  of  external  sector  statistics.    While  DOSM  focuses  on  the
            compilation  of  Current Account  data  items,  the  Central  Bank  leads  on the
            compilation  of  Investment  Income  and  Financial  Account  through  the
            quarterly  International  Investment  Position  (IIP)  Survey.    In  terms  of
            dissemination of official statistics, DOSM is the official compiler of the balance
            of Payments (BOP), IIP, and Coordinated Direct Investment Statistics (CDIS),
            while the Central Bank is the official compiler of the External Debt Statistics

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