Page 401 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 401

STS552 Norhayati Razi
            The illustration for the Integrated IIP Framework are as follows:

             Integrated IIP Framework                                        Diagram 1

                             Current Account

                             Capital Account

                    IIP                        Other Changes in Fin. Assets & Liabilities    IIP

               Beginning    Financial Account    (Changes in volume or revaluation   End of

               of Period      (Transactions)      covering exchange rate and price   Period
                           Errors and Omissions

             Note:  Transactions reported in the integrated  IIP framework provides  BOP  flows, while closing position is the  IIP
             statistics, with EDS being derived from stock position of non-equity liability instruments.  CDIS and CPIS refer to stock
             position of direct and portfolio investment respectively, while IBS is the IIP of banking sector.

                The quarterly IIP Survey collects granular data on item-by-item reporting,
            whereby the items reflect the financial instruments and are reported in the
            dimensions of the country of the counterparty, currency of transactions and
            maturity structure for selected financial flows.  There are 36 data items that are
            identified by unique purpose of transactions, namely equity capital, retained
            earnings, equity securities, debt securities, loans, deposits and others.  These
            items are reported with further details based on each individual counter party,
            which  are  crucial  identity  to  determine  the  types  of  investment  for  BOP
            classification.    Additional  details,  such  as  name,  relationship,  percentage
            holdings  of  investors  and  affiliated  companies  are  collected  in  order  to
            facilitate  more  in-depth  analysis,  particularly  in  the  areas  of  foreign  direct
            investments in Malaysia as well as Malaysia’s direct investment abroad.
                The main sources of external sector statistics compilation for the IIP Survey
            on external assets and liabilities (EAL) vis-à-vis non-residents are as follows:
            i.  Data on EAL of banking institutions;
            ii.  Data on EAL of selected resident entities, which include direct and portfolio
                investment abroad, foreign direct investment in Malaysia, credit facilities
                from  non-residents  and  any  other  assets  and  liabilities  vis-à-vis  non-
            iii.  Data  on  portfolio  investments  reported  by  custodians,  which  include
                holding of Malaysian securities by non-residents and portfolio investments
                of residents vis-à-vis non-residents;
            iv.  Data  on  EAL  of  entities  in  Labuan  offshore,  managed  by  the  Labuan
                Financial Services Authority; and Data on the government sector, obtained

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