Page 310 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 310

STS637 Magued O.
                  the quality of decision making and the decision makers themselves are aware
                  of such opportunity and willing to take advantage of it .
                      Several challenges are facing the statistical system in all countries. The
                  challenges include:
                      1)  Reforming  academic  programs  on  the  undergraduate  level  without
                         compromising the depth of theoretical statistics.
                      2)  Designing  training  programs  that  are  beyond  traditional  statistical
                         programs and widen the scope to address different issues related to
                         data science.
                      3)  Managing  fake  information  and  opportunistic  behaviors  that
                         misinform the public and negatively affect trust in statistics.
                      4)  Balancing individual privacy and general interest.
                      5)  Collaborating with the owners of big data and convincing them of the
                         added value of statistics.

                      While some insist that Big Data may provide an opportunity to ‘leapfrog’
                  statistical systems in developing countries, others argue that Big Data is largely
                  Big  Hype,  and  that  traditional  statistical  concerns  and  methods  limit  its
                  applications for official statistics . Putting this debate aside, one can expect
                  the emerging of a set of extra concerns that need to be considered by the
                  statistical system and the statistical community in developing countries:
                      1)  Brain drain of talents moving from developing to developed countries.
                         This trend might aggravate with the increasing demand of companies
                         in nearly all sectors for data scientists. Such trend will limit the potential
                         of  innovation  disruptors  to  contribute  to  the  growth  of  developing
                      2)  Globalization and ownership of big data sets. Most of the players in
                         the  big  data  era  will  be  multinational  companies.  With  new
                         technologies,  these  companies  will  own  data  sets  of  citizens  of
                         developing  countries  to  reinforce  a  new  “big  data  divide”  between
                         developed and developing countries. This trend is already happening
                         with  the  dominance  of  multinational  companies  in  the
                         telecommunication sector, in the online commerce sector and in the
                         transportation sector.
                      3)  Acquisition  of  start-ups  and  successful  companies.  Start-ups  were
                         considered  at  one  point  of  time  a  boost  for  the  economy  in  the
                         developing world. They might not continue to do so as a strong trend
                         is emerging of acquisition and merging between companies that will
                         result in reducing the added value of these start-ups in creating jobs
                         and paying taxes in developing countries.

                  6  Secchi (2018)
                  7  Secchi (2018)
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