Page 311 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 311

STS637 Magued O.
            4.  Re-engineering the statistical system
                Figure 1 illustrates data production under the business as usual scenario
            and under expected changes in the future eco-system of the fourth industrial
            revolution. It is suggested to re-engineer the current statistical system to allow
            for an inclusive approach that integrate all producers and users of data and
            big data while respecting the fundamental principles of official statistics. The
            model  should  take  into  consideration  the  challenges  facing  the  statistics
            discipline in the data science era and should address governance issues related
            to  the  production,  analysis  and  dissemination  of  big  data  without
            compromising professional considerations, including scientific principles and
            professional ethics.

            Figure 1: Framework describing the impact of disruptive innovations on data production.

                To be able to conduct this re-engineering all stakeholders should embark
            in  making  necessary  institutional,  legislative  and  mind  set  changes.
            Furthermore,  intellectual  contributions  should  focus  on  bridging  the  gap
            between rigorous research and available big data, and, on integrating data
            and big data analysis in the decision-making evidence-based process.

            5.  Action plan
                As presented above the era of big data is bringing several challenges and
            opportunities for the statistical community. To be able to re-engineer the eco-
            system,  such  challenges  and  opportunities  need  to  be  considered  by  all
            stakeholders. The following action plan is suggested:

            Academia - In academia, the discipline of statistics needs to be re-shaped to
            take into consideration disruptive innovations that are becoming part of our
            daily life. Whether the term of “statistics” will remain as a brand of academic

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