Page 309 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 309

STS637 Magued O.
            also in terms of methodological issues related to violation of assumptions and
            representation bias. New windows of opportunities will emerge to develop
            better techniques to model complex data and to support decision making in
            an environment loaded with a mix of structured and un-structured data, a mix
            of global and national data, and, a mix of public and private owned data sets.

            Table 1: Global impact of digital transformation in US$ billion, 2018 to 2023.
                                                                     Average  annual
                                                 2018      2023
                                                                     growth rate
              Global forecast of digital payments   3598   6687      13.2
              Global    eCommerce       revenue   1823     2854      9.4
              Global  Digital  Media  revenue    142       173       4.0
              Global Digital Advertising revenue
              forecast                           291       490       11.0
              Global  estimated  revenue  for    54.5      152       22.8
              smart home products
              Global  estimated  connected  car    18.7    31.5      11.0
            Source: Statista (2019)

            3.  Challenges facing statistical systems in the big data era
                Big data revolution is attracting huge investments and is expecting to add
            significant revenues to all types of business. It started already creating its own
            identity  (terminology,  methods,  and  computing  tools).  One  should  not
            undermine the risk of leaving the theory and practice of statistics isolated in a
            bubble that is perceived as too theoretical, too expensive, and too slow to
            respond to urgent needs of business intelligence and decision making. This
            paradigm  shift  is  creating  new  challenges  to  statisticians  and  require  the
            development of new theories, methods, and tools for data integration and
            visualization. Statisticians should not only participate in the debate of whether
            big data will result in a better society and better decision-making process, but
            should also appreciate and interact with the volume, velocity and variability of
            unstructured data.
                According to Secchi (2018), such an effort will result in ‘‘a better society’’,
            only if there are ‘‘problems’’ where the characteristics of big data can improve

            4  calculated by the author
            5  a car is considered connected as soon as it is equipped with hardware which enables internet
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